Friday, January 26, 2024

1.27.24 Chapter ffa speaking

After a month of reading and writing the chapter speech competition finally arrived. New this year with a captive audience of freshman and their parents the speaking contest was first. Mark started the evening off with his speech about the power of cover crops to help control chemicals in the air. Mark did well and managed his questions adequately. He had some challenging questions from the scientist judge. 
John again competed in extemporaneous speaking. Thanks to Addie for creating his research binder. He did ok and has a ticket to the district competition. He spoke about genetic modified corn and the benefits to agriculture. 
Addie spoke last and nailed her questions. Aliza had coached her before leaving that she needed to learn enough that she would be the expert in the room and therefore no question would be too hard to answer confidently. She took that counsel to heart and with all the time off from fencing due to her wisdom teeth removal learned a lot about nuclear energy. 
Following the speaking, the officer team finally got to the evening's main draw, the greenhand ceremony. 
Everyone read their part and the green hand painting began. 
After the students had their hands painted, they added their hands to the poster to hang in the Ag room. A novel induction rite that the kids enjoyed. Besides a few cheeks, no clothes were marked green during the activity. 
Another year another round of learning. I really enjoy these deep dives into a certain topic. Likewise, I enjoy seeing the kids grow and gain thinking skills. 

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