Monday, July 15, 2024

7.15.24 The Bar T-5 experience

My reunion pictures. These three are always playing with their plastic animals. I asked Afton not to bring hers but she said I have to I promised Saige we could play. I assume she brought them home as they are her favorite toys. 
Lunch on a trampoline no mom in sight thus Oreos first. 
Addie was there for a few hours. I wanted to get a picture of these two I think they have some similarities. Addie said she was eating and couldn't have a photo.

The sunscreen team applied it to Greg. I thought it was cute how Greg was surrounded by his daughter taking care of him. 

John says goodbye to Anna. 
Harold playing with Andrea,
Attempting a family picture. 
So many hands and so many bodies. 

Another try... 
Then these two got into comparing who was strongest and most muscular. They remind me of Hans and Franz a Saturday Night Live skit. 

Back at home within 10 miles many fires are consuming the grazing lands that support the local ranchers. We are among the top 5 cattle producers in America this is horrible. 
We left the reunion to drive to Jackson Hole Wyoming. It is beautiful in Wyoming for a few months of the year. 

Our cowboys coming to greet us at the Bar T5
In the wagon so fun. 
The kids had plenty of time to pet horses and be immersed in that passion they have for four-legged neighing critters. There were riders that were on saddleback that came alongside the wagon and let us pet their horses. It was a nice touch to break up the ride. One of the Owners talked to us a while recruiting the girls we brought suggesting they also come work for him someday. That is not a hard sell as these girls just adore horses. I will say though it's interesting the lengths they have gone to to indulge their horse love. Catering to the tourist clientele is not easy, but this experience is known worldwide and hundreds come each day for a taste of western life. The owner sings a 1/2 hour show with other employees, all to own 60 draft horses and about 40 saddle horses.  I enjoyed the evening but was mostly glad to know and feel what my kids have been experiencing. 
Our best drivers Anna drove us up, and Harold drove us down. They are living my grandfather's dream living within sight of the Tetons and working with draft horses every day. I wish we wouldn't have been so tired. It's always a shock to me how much time and ways people spend entertaining themselves. We need to get more comfortable with that I guess. 

Andrea was sick of sitting thankfully she would ride on Greg's shoulders for a while while the musical show was going on. 
We enjoyed the show and the experience. It was good to share the time and meet the people who have been so important to our older kids during this last year. We are thankful for this experience they are having. We are blessed when we are willing to go and do. Life is good. 

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