Monday, July 22, 2024

7.21.24 Home MTC and fair prep

Oh how the years have flown and now we have consecrated our John to be a Missionary for the Lord. This is always a challenge to offer such skilled, useful, youthful hands to do missionary work. I wait, watch, and worry at home and Greg works and works to make up the difference and keep up the pace two were walking before. It's good to watch the spirit of service and Missionary companionship settle onto these willing hearts. John has been happy in his training. He is just a bit frustrated that he still has some responsibility here. I showed him how to make an omelet, and talked about laundry with him. I worry about the small silly things ignoring the two years of separation that loom. 
With the other kids fair is on the horizon. Addie had Millie take some pictures of her and her hog for decoration purposes. 
We harvested our first zucchini. I love this abundant crop we all live with the heat and this watery addition to any meal is delicious. 
Andrea showed me a picture she made. She too is growing up rapidly advancing through young toddlerhood to a more curious and capable stage. She still hugs me tight and wants me to hold her and that balm helps me get through the challenges and changes with the older half. 
Lia drove the creative activity and painted a picture. Lia is downright resourceful doing what she pleases with little obstruction. I'm in an out-of-home life and so she does well doing what she pleases. 

Lia taking pictures of Addie, with one phone while I took them from a higher angle on another phone. 

Shes a beautiful lady who lives for the fair week. She too is resourceful and driven. Oh be still time let me catch my breath. But move quickly so I can let it out again. I'm trying not to cry but it's a great work that's hard to allow. The only word I can use is consecrated. We give our best to the Lord and hope and pray for His blessings on all involved. When I had these kids I promised I would do my best to teach them to serve and help others. So far so good, even though they are far away doing good. We are thankful for their ability and willingness to grow and stretch. Life is good, even when it is tinged with sadness and so full of change. 


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