Friday, July 26, 2024

7.26.24 24th of july

Addie caught some of the unique smoke-filled sunsets. This is what hopes and dreams going up in smoke looks like. So many cattle and almost all grazing feed has been burned up in these last few weeks. 

The smoke-filled air is awful. Many are coughing eyes are irritated and watery. Not good. 
Nonetheless, we still celebrated Pioneer Day at the church. There were three-legged races. Bruce and Millie and Mark and Addie all competed. No pictures of Mark and Addie though she did have to carry her own weight Mark couldn't just carry her. 

There were horse races. Afton in this one. 
Millie on the left. 

And Bruce who didn't bother with the riding part just ran. 
Alia in her age group. The youngest Atkinson daughter on the left, and Tuf Johnson on the right. 

Andrea and Marilla lined up for the youngest age group truly the two youngest able competitors in the two wards (Marilla's baby brother and the Whitaker baby aren't up to racing yet)with. Marilla started to cry then Andrea saw she was crying and joined her in tears. No race this year. 

We are thankful for our pioneer heritage. Both in the church of Jesus Christ and the family that were firm in their Baptist faith many of my ancestors came in wagons pulled by animals or in jalopies all in search of new land and new opportunities. I'm thankful for their determination, grit, and faith. We are blessed with good memories year after year and to continue to be a family.  

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