Monday, July 15, 2024

7.15.24 family reunion

After an exceedingly long day of travel 11.5 hours from start to finish we arrived in Smoot Wyoming.
We spent 4 hours in Twin Falls repairing and replacing our two front tires and a tire bearing. I'm so thankful we did not get hurt or stranded on the side of the road. Greg was able to do all the repairs and his sister housed us, fed us, and let us use her shaded full of tools garage. It was a blessing. 
Since we missed our dinner appointment with Anna and Harold we ate hot dogs and lots of s'mores around the campfire. 
We even got there in time to set up the tents in the light and find cousins to start playing.
Fires are so fun. 

ice cream was the dessert in addition to all the cookies and more s'mores outside for the next night. 
Saturday the candy cannon was a hit. The kids sure look forward to this tradition. 

Harold grabbed LIvy with the Lasso. He and Anna came over to join the fun for a few hours Friday and Saturday.

The super-size swing set was fun for all the kids. 
Meeting various generations. 
Cornhole has replaced horseshoes but is very similar in skill and challenge. 

Another swing on the line. 
4-wheeler wagon rides. 
Playing on the pond on paddle boards. Livy on the right. 
/Lia with Emilyn.
Meals were plentiful and often. 

A different more mellow play set enjoyed by the under 5  crew. 

Lots of visiting and playing some games. 

When we were working to leave we could not find Bruce anywhere. Finally, we checked the house there he was up to the table with the teenagers and young adults playing a card game. The love for kids and children is strong in this family. There are lots around, and if you are brave, most will play with you, push you on a swing, or let you in the volleyball or card game. 

Each evening Uncle Don brought out his records and had a dance. Polkas and square dancing are fun for all. Again kids are welcome and tolerated. 

Kinetic sand under a shade tree was played with non-stop for two days. 
An added bonus is a birthday cake. Yum. Merle and Evander are hard to tell apart from a distance. 
Uncle Rex and Aunt Debbie serve at a historical farm. This buggie is part of that experience. The kids loved the rides. 
Lia helps Aunt Gwen in to ride with her. There was so much help to make this happen. Carolee went under buggy to steady the box. Daniel and Uncle Rex lifted her up. Emma and her fiance steading the wagon with another young man on the opposite side making sure it did not wiggle. The level of team work is awesome. 
Ready to go with her bag of candy from the candy canon. 

The laundry exhibit. Bruce provides some man power. 
Jugs for rootbeer! A highlight of each gathering is the homemade rootbeer. We eat well. 

Addie knows everyone and talks to them all. I'm so pleased with the outgoing sincere young lady she has become in the last 4 years. 

The temperature changes were extreme from 106 in Twin Falls and Vale to 45 in the evenings. It was cold. But dancing warms the blood. 

The kids live for this time away from our normal. They have friends they rejoice in seeing. The activities vary from year to year and its reassuring to continue friendships and relationships with people that you love. It's challenging to keep track of kids and be sociable on so little sleep. For the last two years, I've left for half of the day to be with my kids and their activities. I don't regret that it just makes the reunion more complex. But the pictures show how much the kids enjoyed their time and so many experiences they have nowhere else. Life is good we can refill at home. We are blessed. 


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