Monday, July 8, 2024

7.8.24 4-H activities

The 4th of July is an extremely busy time since the kids have gotten more and more busy as they age. One night we sold tickets. That was a surprisingly challenging activity. I was so thankful for the kind young man who helped me and then went for tacos for all of us selling tickets. I was beyond thankful for his help and patience. The next night after some counsel and research with my brother's guidance. I'm finding that my thyroid or lack thereof is continuing to struggle. Thankfully after much research, I have hope that maybe someday I will get dosages right and find the strength, mental clarity, and energy I remember from days gone by. Until then I will continue to study and muddle through. 
Remembering the night before I self-dosed more energy medicine, ate dinner and brought water. The evening was much better. I stuck with squirting syrup with Addie. Millie worked the till and Livy and her cousin Emelynn shaved ice. 

We ended after 2 hours and Addie treated us to an ice cream treat in the park. She is generous and loves ice cream. We walked about half a mile to get the said ice cream.
At home earlier in the day Alia came in where I was trying to sleep, with blood falling from her mouth. After looking closer I found she had lost her first teeth. We stuffed a towel in her mouth and held her talking about how she was growing up. Some growing up I forget to prepare them for and everyone responds differently to physical changes. 
After explaining what was going on she was pretty proud to have lost a tooth like her cousin Evander and other siblings. 
Andrea continues to just be charming and uncomplicated. 
Harold sent this picture from working at the Bar T-5. These people he met in California while on his mission. He accomplished driving the teams solo last weekend. He loves mastering new skills. 
After a very long weekend of pivot problems, and long days visiting and working at the rodeo and other fundraisers it was a major accomplishment to have the 4-h record books ready for interviews on Monday. The kids were ready and cleaned up in time for the appointment. 
Lia learning the fun of a hole in your mouth. 
Time is flying by the kids are growing up and changing. I'm thankful they move forward and are eager to do the next things. The days are very long sometimes with some recreation thrown in and sometimes just working the whole day and part of the night through. Summer is an exhausting time. I'm thankful to have so many hands on deck to share the work load. We are blessed. Life is good. 

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