Monday, November 10, 2014

11.10.14 Sunday

Between the years of possibly 10-14 I spent many a Sunday at the kitchen sink. I was doing dishes, for hours, with my dad. It took hours because he would gleefully inspect each dish and return them time and again to be perfectly clean... Oh how I hated Sunday. I'm not sure if he hated it or enjoyed the fun of antagonizing me. However, this not so fun experience was the result of my poor attitude or behavior choices.

We have LOTS of dishes here and if not sufficient to learn the lesson Greg always thinks of something else to whip up.

Fast Forward 20 years or so and I had three daughters in need of some correction yesterday.

On their knees with their hands. It just makes it a little more meaningful and hopefully more clean. That green grout is like a canal system. Looked good for a few hours thanks to their efforts.

We had stake conference yesterday which was really nice.  We were even able to attend in our ward building. I would like to vote for doing that again, especially with the dim lights. Most of the kids 4 and under went to sleep for the last hour. And probably some mom's and dad's too.
But it was really nice and less stressful than wrestling on metal chairs far back in the gym in Nyssa. When the kids realized we were going to our building and not the one in Nyssa there was some grumbling. Then as the meeting progressed there was some jostling that was not necessary by the big kids. So I got a clean floor and the dishes done all day by the culprits. It is so nice to have them home!

Mopping is my least favorite chore right now. It really hurts to be in that position so I avoid it and it makes a nice punishment... we have a lot of tile and a lot of feet that track stuff in and around. I told them with a smile in my voice that probably someday they would have their daughters do the same thing.

On a happier note. Addie is really moving along in her reading! I knew she would when she got it worked out in her mind and gained her bravado back. School is a big step. She finished her first reader and is sailing through the next one on top of all the other books she and I read for AR points.

And not to miss a reason to eat cake we celebrated grandma's birthday. We are very blessed to live by grandma. We get to learn from, work with, and share food stuffs with her. She is amazingly positive and cheery, very talented, wise, and empowering. The kids love her and I am grateful to be in her family. She makes it possible to live this close together. She never says anything about my not tidy house or yard and is always willing to sell or loan me sour cream, cake mixes, weird vinegar mixes, zippers,  or whatever I might need. She's saved many a meal and random project here. And she does things like teach the kids how to garden and cross stitch! We are thankful to be her closest neighbors. 

And how to lick the frosting off candles! Just one of the kids favorite experiences with Grandma.


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