Friday, November 14, 2014

11.14.14 Food

As you might guess food is a big deal at our house. We are eaters and we store and make a lot of what we consume. The girls were semi-waiting for dinner to be ready when they discovered this pie. They decided to taste test. That leads to faces like this from dad.

Actually that face was in response to Reed's toast

OR should I call it jam stacked on bread. Yes we do go through a lot of jam. I was just glad he used bread and not a spoon this time.

We were trying to poison John. Actually no we made white chocolate chip with craisin cookies. He was expecting the usual chocolate chip and is complaining that we ruined his cookies.

A bit of over-reacting I thought.  He survived, as did the cookies.

We were baking to take a small treat to the many veterans we know to say thanks on veterans day. It's been  a favorite tradition. The men and women are so surprised and always say "This is the first time we've gotten a card or thank you on veterans day."
While I don't agree with all or most of the political stuff happening in our country of late, and we could debate war on and on. I do admire people who enlist and serve despite bumbling arrogant politicians. They have often faced enemy fire, long periods of time away from home, injury, loss of dear friends, and a lifetime of memories. It is a great sacrifice.

And one last picture. The boys were able to watch/help grandpa do a tuneup on the trusty water truck last weekend. They had a good time learning from grandpa and being away from home chores.

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