Wednesday, November 19, 2014

11.19.14 Awards

My grandmother says one of her fondest dreams from childhood was to be locked in the library so she could read and read! I'm happy to report that it must be a genetic component in our family because my kids all got reading awards from their school awards assembly.

Harold hit the 1000 point accelerated reader award plaque. Aliza is in a category of her own now holding the new school record for 3500 points. She reads about 13-15 books per week.
  They also got some awards for math- we are working on encouraging that component of education as well. While I have to threaten to lock the books up in the safe and I have to constantly monitor some of the sneaky ones who love dragon books- ugh! I am thankful they are proficient, curious, and accomplished readers. Because life ratcheted up another three notches this school year I only read out loud about 1x a week. But we still manage scriptures and the little kids get some story time everyday.

In between eating popsicles and making messes. These were the last of the summer popsicles and sometimes mom is busy and well you just let things go. They were content, safe, and not crying or fighting... it's a win-win for some needed time.

I am loving hearing Addie get reading and school! I am impressed how much more confident she is becoming. Each of these progressions really makes an impact in who they are.

Anna is in Middle School and that was a whole new experience going to the mass of maturity/immaturity of a 2 grade middle school. Oh the learning and growth. She has been stretched quite a bit this year but I'm happy to report is doing well. I love how kind she is and I love that she is making good choices to work hard and learning how to learn. As she learns these lessons she will be successful in her life.
Sorry the picture is bad we were both a little unsure of how picture happy mom should be.  I think that is the biggest adjustment to middle school for me how involved do I get, or do I encourage and help her learn to ask the questions, question the marks and comments and take control of her educational future. I love the 45 minutes we have in the morning to do homework, piano, chores, talk etc. She is a great oldest kid. We are blessed.

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