Tuesday, November 11, 2014

11.11.14 Laundry Weather

Oh how I love my clothesline. We inevitably do LOTS and LOTS of laundry. So days that are sunny but mostly windy are laundry weather. We run the washer non-stop, I love the new 28 minute cycle.

On Saturday we were able to wash all the quilts in preparation for winter and some of the laundry. My heart and head hurt just thinking of all the loads we will be forced to dry this winter. Even with our inside clothes line it just can't keep up with all the bodies that live here. So it's always a nice nod from God when the wind isn't too blustery and the sun makes an appearance and we run our poor washer till our baskets are empty and our clothes are clean.

Thank goodness for two of those days this long weekend. Unfortunately those trips to and from the clothesline are my only trips outside. But up and down stairs lugging my baskets, up and down to put the clothes on I think is a fairly decent workout. Good thing Anna made so many cookies this weekend. Gotta keep things even. Oh winter how we pray for you but how I don't like your reality! I guess we should just sew the kids into their clothes and burn them in spring... colonial or Alaska style. Phew what a stench that must have been. Best to you.

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