Tuesday, November 18, 2014

11.18.14 Normal Activity

I have been learning a lesson lately. Last week Greg and I were contemplating/discussing chronic pain and what it meant to be worn out. Or burned out. What does that mean? Why does that happen? Is it mental, physical etc? I mean we are both pretty healthy. We have been able to do what we command our bodies to do and have not had much experience with not being able to go when we say go. Unfortunately I am learning that chronic pain is tiring, frustrating, and not something you just will away. My most optimistic thought right now is I get to be done being pregnant.  Real chronic pain people don't have an end they just have to adjust to a new normal. UGH!

I remembered this picture from about a month ago. It's so interesting how we take things for granted. I remember when I looked through these pictures how funny it was that all the pictures were of me walking with long strides. We were hurrying because it was our one day to go to beet harvest for lunch. We were in charge of picking up lunch and the crew doesn't like to wait. We were making a stop at a the local pumpkin-pa-looza to look around and see the sights. It was full and interesting but I'm not one for lesiurley chasing 9 kids around a crowded artsy craft fair. We got the gist and needed to move on. Not to mention Millie got heavy. It is so hard to keep shoes on a barefoot country kid. And the fact of being the 4th or 6th wearer of shoes means she really needed some new shoes...

We were blessed to have grandpa with us. He was going to drive a car back from this town to the one where Greg works. He is so patient and fun. We love kidnapping him for a while.
Livy had painted herself and Millie with white out the night before. That stuff does not come off. We scrubbed, rubbed, picked and peeled it was on for a few days.

Mark of course loved all the farm stuff.

Livy was happy with her helper. She loves her grandparents and is just getting very friendly and confident with them.
At lunch we had to wait for a while, we were early!! The kids found this five legged preying mantiss. It was doing so well in it's adjusted condition. Looking back I remember feeling sorry for it and amazed at how well it did not whole. I'm feeling a lot like that bug lately.

Waiting for rides and visiting. Our family crew is getting bigger by the year. It's fun to see traditions passed on and continued. More babies, more cousins, more learning, and more fun. It was a beautiful day full of dirt, truck rides, tractor rides and driving and just soaking up the warm fall sun. We need those memories on these single digit cold winter days.

**As I got out of bed for the second time on Monday, I am always so tired from a long busy weekend, I was barely able to stumble around. I knew I was in trouble facing a long day alone with the three little ones to care for, and a very wet Millie needing immediate attention. I begged for heavenly help and am happy to report for the last 3 hours at least have been able to walk moderately well and to do the things I need to. Experimenting on the Word and Grace of God is always humbling and Amazing. Hopefully I will be able to continue to do what I need to do. 

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