Thursday, November 6, 2014

11.6.14 Saturday Fun

Because of our strep  diagnosis we had to cancel our Saturday plan to drive to Twin Falls to attend the temple with Aunt Sheryl. We were sad to be left home, but as we ate a leisurely family breakfast- which doesn't happen often with all the early morning commitments- the kids begged Greg to stay home. They made a list of 20 things they could do with him. Grind corn, build fence, fix the chicken pen, put up some insulation... things that needed to be done that appealed to his manly muscle side of life. It was also a rainy dreary day. Constantly drizzling even outright raining from a gray overcast sky. (Just to set the stage).

Greg consented and so I got my drain re-dug and my banister repaired. The kids got out of a day of housework, which let's face it YUCK! Instead the boys and girls on-and-off helped dad. Our front steps are wooden and steep and SLICK in the winter. This summer the support posts for the banisters had rotted off and thus we have been carefully making our way up and down the stairs. However, with the winter fast approaching the ice and freezing rain, we hope to get, make them treacherous hazards to navigate. Those helpful banisters have saved many a backside, front side, and person from a wild ride to the top or bottom of the stairs or a quick trip off of them to the ground below.
I think she is packing the hole or maybe measuring distance. If I recall they said it was 32 inches deep. Even with the 1/5 inches of rain we got that day the ground below was still dry. We need a lot more rainy days to stop this drought.

The boys chipped out the old cement. Excavated the holes complete with pick and shovel- we have really hard ground here. Helped carry up new/old posts, drilled new holes and then set the new posts. My husband only does jobs completely, all the way. He doesn't fudge at all. This means it takes longer and he uses the most heavy duty stuff he can find.

Our new stairway closely resembles a cattle loading shoot. I'm pretty sure steers or hogs could go through it and it wouldn't budge. I do love his commitment to doing things the best he can. In fact, he reminded me so much of my grandfather that has passed away. Working all day in the rain, claiming not to be cold, staying till the job was done and motivating the kids to dig some more, make sure it was level, to do their best too. It was a big day of learning.

I of course did not help outside but rather  cooked and cooked inside. Trying to make warm, energy invoking food stuffs to keep the boys going and warm. Dad's are so important to toughening up kiddos. I worry about colds and discomfort- mostly mine- and call it quits much sooner than their tough dad. And it was good for their dad to observe their more mature personalities. I remind him periodically they are growing up and changing. It is interesting to see what quirks they have and how much stronger and capable they are becoming.

The kids changed wet coats at least 2x that day, Greg of course was too busy to notice any wetness. It was a bundle of extra laundry but great skills to learn.

We did have one ace in the hole we had rescheduled our trick-or-treating for Saturday night so the kids were a little more driven to get the job done in a timely manner. All in all it was another day for the memory books and now we are ready for all the snow and rain we have fasted and prayed for these last two years. Let it SNOW...!

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