Wednesday, November 5, 2014

11.5.14 Cider

We were blessed with LOTS of apples this year. And I mean LOTS like over a thousand pounds, which in years past I have split with at least two other people. So we had to come up with some creative uses for apples. About 13 years ago we made apple cider with Greg's family. I mean aunts,uncles, cousins etc. It was a major project! We pressed 5 800lb bins of apples but man was that cider good. We checked on the availability of a press, but had a hard time finding anyone with the machinery that was local. We were finally hooked up with a local inventor man and made our appointment.

We worked for two hours grinding and pressing apples and got about 10 gallons of juice. I was a little disappointed it wasn't more productive but it sure was good. We are scheduled to go again sometime this week I hope, because I am done canning apples here and need a way to use the rest. 

Cider deserves donuts and grandma was kind enough to help us out and make some yummy cake donuts.


Our kind friend Kelly who has blessed our family with many opportunities. She is an amazing woman.

Turning the press to get the cider. Anna and Harold were best sized for the job, but Mark and Addie had to have a turn too.

We decided the remains were diabetic apples. Sugar is gone just fiber...Makes great animal feed though.

Washing then shredding the apples. That was the best bowl. This is set up on a geothermal hot spot, while the night was fall-cool the water was delightfully warm. In fact they have to cool not heat their water for use. We live in a great place.
 It was a fun night and the apple cider syrup on pancakes the next morning was divine!

As we continue to debate travel and doing fun things like the rest of the blog world vs. our work together in all different conditions and situations I have to remember to be thankful for who we are and not wish we were somebody else. The kids really enjoyed the evening. The owners are delightful people full of talent, kindness, and newness to our family. It's good to meet others and great to get such delicious rewards for a big project. Let's just say apple picking is almost a bad word at our house. Not that it's hard or bad it's just kids... but this night, like most nights we work together as a group, was full of good giggles, great people, and a lot accomplished. We did recently decide that we try to live with purpose. Mean getting good things done.

I love helping others and I love that my family is able to serve others in real and meaningful ways. We appreciate all the opportunities we are given to do these projects. And really fresh cider and homemade donuts is that really so hard? Nope just fall goodness! Best to you.


  1. If you want another option, you should talk to the Schulthies family in Nyssa. I know they all got together once and made apple cider with a big machine that was owned by maybe a Ballentine? I don't remember whose it was for sure, but I do remember Weston mentioning that all the families wanted to go in together to purchase their own, but I'm not sure if they ever did or not. Anyway, they would know whose machine it was that they did use. So jealous, I love apple cider!

    1. Thanks it was ballantyne. If we make more you can have a quart somehow will get it to you. Loved seeing your beautiful family so cool after our visits years ago hoping for more. Best to you.
