Monday, November 3, 2014

11.3.14 Bad Habits

Our children tell on us. No matter how hard, or not so hard, we try to hide who we really are they pick up on those small nuances and broadcast them in cute/not so cute ways.

My favorite part of college was having my own jug I could drink from. No wasted glasses, no needless extra dishes just swig and return to the cold fridge. Well in a large family that's probably not the best practice and these two little monkeys have picked up on that bad habit. These are actually empty milk jugs retrieved from the top of the garbage... oh they are cute.

Their poor father. He is so much more disciplined. He was not happy, but still loved me when he discovered this major flaw years ago. But now that the young un's are also following in my very bad way well let's just say he is less than thrilled.  I keep telling him he deserves so much better. I guess I should just work harder at being better. But again I spend major hours of my day hands submerged in dish water or deliberately avoiding the teetering stack of either needing to be washed or put away dishes. How do I make so many messes? It could be the small army of wolves that keep returning to my table.

I took these a few weeks ago while talking to Greg on the phone, it was kind of cute at that time but like all bad habits it spread and it's probably not cute anymore.
This girl studies all life around her. Nothing gets by her wise eyes and FAST brain. Don't let the innocent look fool you she knows exactly what she is doing.

I guess it's just proof that we all have things to work on... maybe I should try sippy cups at their level. I do think it's great that they are self-sufficient. Life is hard when you're littlest. Well not too hard I guess. Oh well there's always tomorrow to work on being better and more graceful. Best to you.

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