Saturday, November 15, 2014

11.15.14 An Essential Oil Warning

Can you spot the red circles under her eyes? She got into a bottle of wholesome courage, some of you will know it as theives. It is a hot oil. Most essential oils are. She had rubbed it all over her face, mounth, hands, and neck. She was waiting in her high chair while I took a shower to go to town. Her curiousity and ability to grab things was not a good combination.

When I went in to get her out she was crying and rubbing around her eyes- not good. I washed her hands with dawn soap and then began diluting the oil with vegetable oil. After 2 applications she looked fairly good. Eyes are hard to clean! Lesson if you have essential oils keep them up higher than possibly kid reached and remember dilute oil with oil. Some experiences are just not fun.

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