Monday, November 17, 2014

11.17.14 Snow Day

Our prayers have begun to be answered in a big way. Last week we got about 7 inches of snow.

School was cancelled as we had a weird 3 day week starting on Weds. So the kids actually only went 2 days. It was so nice to have them home. And it was so pretty to watch it snow and snow. Greg spent a fair amount of time on Thursday shoveling snow off his front driveway. I know he was missing his crew. We were thankful when we found out school was cancelled on Friday. He took the bundled up boys to town and they WORKED!

 Mark shoveling the ramp. It's important to move snow soon after it falls and not wait. The temperature dropped into the negative numbers this night and there would have been no way to move all this snow the next day.

As I mentioned before I am a wimpy mom and was worried they would get cold, hungry, tired, etc. But they did a great job and survived amazingly well. Thank goodness for their dad to toughen them up and make them men!

John demonstrating the boot method of removing snow. Saves your arms from hundreds of pounds of tossing snow. Just push to edge and boot the snow out!

They have about worn out their Pushnboot snow pushers (click link to get your own). They have done many miles of shoveling. They are quite a team. I really loved watching them finish the church sidewalks. Watching and hearing them work together. Seeing their different styles of work.

My favorite picture. They were almost done and working to get the last few spots.
Some are all done, although slower, the first time. Others do bare minimum and have to go back again and again, and some are fire balls and resters.

Harold hiding. He is strong and gets to do the really big areas. He's a great big brother.

So neat to see how they compliment and accept each other and rely on the skills of the other. Happy winter! Oh and while they were out working the younger kids were enjoying fun inside.

 They are on boats finding treasure chests and avoiding sharks. The  older girls and I were trying to clean and well we always find treasures too good to get rid of. It's so good to be a family. Love all these kiddos and so glad they have each other cuz' I sure wouldn't have been in a box this weekend playing treasure cruise. Best to you all.

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