Monday, August 31, 2015

8.30.15 Catching Rainbows

Jumping back to raising pre-school kids is always a startling adventure. While I enjoy the slower pace of life and the time to cuddle and read to my kiddos we all miss the entertainment committee and the imaginations of the slightly older siblings. One morning as I was nursing Afton and stretching for something to keep them occupied and not exploring the house for the next catastrophe, I noticed the rainbows streaming through our cut class front door. We began catching rainbows. Millie was particularly illuminated.

Livy was catching them on her hands and tongue. Life is beautiful when we pay attention. It has been a fun few minutes each day now to look for the rainbows in the room. Thank goodness the smoke cleared and we are back to gorgeous blue skies.

And finally a little lesson that netted huge results. In the past we have dutifully had back to school blessings. Always special, always sweet. Always a highlight of our year together as a family, a close time between dad and kids. This year prior to our back to school night I read a talk. The speaker explained that the mom would pray first inviting and invoking the spirit to be strong and that the dad would be able to vocalize and share those impressions. I had never thought of the mom's part in the blessings. Sure I worked hard to provide a peaceful clean environment. I would play the piano and sing with the kids, prep them earlier in the day for being quiet and respectful, but never considered my faith part in the experience it was an unspoken obvious.

Thus began an arduous two weeks. We have been busy and trying to respect school schedule and the need for sleep, hence no more late nights. This is difficult because work has been busy and days are crazy with stuff and knowing my increased responsibility in providing faith and harmony between me and Greg well it took a while to get it done.
After a lovely stake conference yesterday we had a whole afternoon to our family. A RARE treat these days. We made our Sabbath plan as per website instructions. We sang some songs and we were about there. I prayed with intent and purpose and we had a most choice experience. A true defining moment.
How do we women support the men who hold the priesthood? I share that it is much our faith and prayers, and confidence in them and God, that makes priesthood experiences more than just routine. I'm in awe of the responsibility and holiness of men to be called on at anytime to be mouthpiece for God's words. It has always been a one of my favorite traits in my husband that he righteous. He's comfortable with that talent and wears it well. I sometimes shy away or deny it as part of me. However, I'm thankful to have time to learn and grow. Time to improve and time to repent. The gospel is such a grand plan allowing for the weakest of us all to learn from repeated experience and to benefit at many levels of faith and understanding.

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