Friday, June 10, 2016

6.10.16 May wrap-up

I really like to sew. I use to sew a lot. I hoped and planned that if I had little girls I would sew for them. With Anna and Aliza I sewed a majority of their baby and toddler clothes, but as time has passed and children been added my ability and desire to sew has been lost. However poor Livy had no dresses and nothing was appealing on the store websites. With great delight to the little girls we went to the local fabric store to get material. They have definite style even this young. Millie chose this print over a year ago but has remembered and insisted all through sewing Livy's that I make her a dress too!

The two finished products. Livy loves polka-dots! So do I. she chose this pattern and has been very happy with the wearing of the dress.

It was so nice to create something again. And with only 3 attempts to get the zipper in correctly on Livy's it was a breeze. I do love sewing and it went very well. Unfortunately I have orders from 2-5 other kids at our house for assorted new clothes! Shorts, pjs, more dresses, skirts. Hmm should probably get on teaching more of them how to sew.

One of the kind teachers had one hat left over from the year and insisted I take it. Livy was delighted at a new hat just for her. 

The end of the year awards assembly. Mark made 500 points in reading. Aliza finished grade school with 6928.5 points. Just shy of the 7000 line bummer. I gave her lots of time watching our broken washing machine struggle through our laundry. Oh well that's nothing to sneeze at that's almost all the books in the library and no Harry Potter or Eragon books in the total. I'm probably too proud of her success. She is a smart cookie!

This year the awards were more personal. Aliza got most likely to win a Nobel prize. John got most likely to be found with his nose in a book. Addie got the Super Smarty award for being so smart and hard working. Mark got most likely to be a future president of the United States because he is so conscientious of all that is going on around him.
It was a good school year. There was a lot of growth and improvement that happened. We are excited for the summer and the kids will be super motivated to do well because of all the good work they will be doing this summer. We are so thankful for the superb effort and determination of the teachers and staff at our little school.

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