Tuesday, June 28, 2016

6.28.16 Eyes Won't close

Livy is such a funny duck.

 She told Greg a few nights ago she couldn't go to sleep because she didn't know how to make her eyes close.

She had however, shown me a few days before that she knew how to blink each eye. Grandma Corn had taught her this by having her close both eyes then opening one.

Now if we could just get her to do it together...

She's our resident non-nap taker. She sleeps her 10-12 at night but nothing else. And she loves to make sure the other little girls stay up to play with her, even though they need more shut eye or end up crying their eyes out or resting them during dinner time.

And one other random ditty. Harold was walking down the stairs holding the banister and punctured his hand with this sliver. I could only see a bloody patch on his hand and my tweezers wouldn't grab it. He had to go to grandma's house who being much more practiced removed this chunk from his hand with a needle. Wowzers! Slivers are sure not fun. This one went straight down into his hand. I am sure glad she got it out. 

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