Wednesday, June 22, 2016

6.22.16 full bench

This is our family. The what I do with my time and they are my mission on earth.
I had my 20 year class reunion this weekend. I was so nervous to go. Who goes 7 months pregnant? How do I a most likely to succeed candidate say oh I just stay home and have 10 almost 11 kids? I live a very different life than I ever imagined way back when I knew everything and could do anything.

(I wasn't alone Greg said one of his favorite parts was watching people come through the door at the opening social. He said you could immediately spot the classmate as they were the ones who looked like they were about to be shot by a firing squad! But after coming in and mingling it was fun.)

YET- this is my choice and my happiness and my peace and my university! These are my life, my heart, and my testimony of what's important, what's good, and what I know and cherish most!
I just stood snapping pictures as they moved and squished and hammed it up thanks to my super fun sisters also hamming it up to make the kids smile! - I have some super silly sisters when needed.

The reunion turned out pleasant. I was so happy to see that everyone seemed to be doing well. The angry kids, the drunk kids, the ones smoking pot- have grown. They are married, they have children they are teaching and loving, they are successful job holders and leaders! It gave me perspective to not freak so much on the little things like C's and D's and unfinished work, and realize there are MANY paths to success. Some like Greg and I, and some through work, experience, TVCC and hard knocks.  The girl who professed to have changed the most told me her reason: "I found Jesus and that has made all the difference..."

I hope we are leading our kids to find and walk with Jesus too. I told her that's why I do what I do. I love this family of mine. Even when we don't fit on a single pew in church, and we barely fit on this long beam at a family function. I'm thankful we have been able to have each one of these unique people in our home, and I need to be more quick to count the blessing of this person we are eagerly awaiting that is sharing my body at this time.
So I survived the reunion, I'm glad Greg supported me in going. I was not the only pregnant one there. Phew! I was surprised so many of my classmates just married in the last 5 years. I was the only one with 10 kids.
A friend commented while we  were showing off our families at the park-
"Man there are so many kids it's like everyone brought 10...."
I said "Uhm no, just me. I have ten kids."
 He replied "no really,"
 I said "Yes, really I have 10 almost 11."
To his unbelief I asked Addie and she affirmed we have 10 kids!
All good.  And one more stressful life milestone checked off the list.