Monday, June 20, 2016

6.20.16 A tree coming down

We don't spend the weekend in a lawn chair or in the water but rather pursuing new and challenging work projects. This weekend did not fail that quest. As part of Greg's father's day gift (the other part was lots of pie) we helped in taking down an enormous tree behind his shop. The pesky weed had grown as close as possible to a small shed in the back corner of his lot, and has now began raising the wall that it is rooted under. To prevent the loss of this shed Greg contracted with my talented brother in-law Justin to come work his chainsaw skill on this big tree. Harold was recruited as helper #1, with the later addition of the rest of the family. 

I'm really glad we got to watch Justin work. It is an interesting marvel to watch such a behemoth come down. There were power lines, cars, buildings, fences and people all littering the scene making it very difficult and time consuming to 'cut this baby down to size' but like I said Justin has skill and training, learned from years of working with his dad and was very much up to the task. 

Justin making one of his many cuts with rope to help direct and manage the fall of the piece. The secret to this process was lots of study and thinking on how the limb would fall and then controlling the fall  to the desired location with a rope, the angle and size of cut. I'm kind of surprised Justin doesn't hurt himself in this process. He must have some guardian angels protecting him, because a few times he really took my breath away. He just laughs and says he's got it all under control. He is a great guy to work with, and one I'm thankful my kids are able to get to know better.

The kids, with some help from mom it's so nice to be able to move again, loaded this truck completely full with that tree. Having learned and found that by tramping the branches more would fit they got it all in, then had fun scraping it out at the rubbish pile out side of town. Justin being the understanding compassionate soul he is encouraged the boys along in the completion of the work with fountain drinks at the local gas station and some other replenishment. Our kids haven't had much exposure to self-serve pop stations, so this was a new challenge for them. I think they may have figured out less ice and more pop would go farther. However, maybe I should be thankful they had more watery pop and less carbonated sugar water. The fun of new experiences.

Harold found out when he came home later that night, that he had to speak on Sunday. Of course he could not find his talk he painstakingly prepared the week before. So we spent Sunday morning writing a talk. We used this experience, relating the many cuts and studying approach to building a testimony. That our faith grows by many small steps, help, and study. This was a great day and another big project checked off the list!

Next up repairing my broken washing machine!! It's been limping along for over a month. The final spin does not work and we hand wring all the clothes that passes through it. Not a fun process. I would have cherished a wringer in these past days. Hopefully the new part will arrive today and Greg will find time to put it in. The repair man was not so keen on the project although he assured me it could be done as do the websites so hopefully as per the online instructions we are on the right track.  It has been a real test of patience and muscle to keep enough clean clothes around on these dirty summer days. I guess I should be more appreciative I have many members of the crew who want to wear the same clothes everyday no matter how dirty.... picky mom just making more work!

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