Saturday, June 11, 2016

6.11.16 Welcome Summer

Our little cutesy pie has turned into a big kid these past few weeks. Her uncertain totter has become and all out run and she is opinionated! No big surprise there, but man glad she's down at the bottom where she's nto my full attention because I think we would be at war if she was my sole focus.  She is however very redeem-ably cute! Being fair skinned red heads covering as much as possible is much more important than uncovering in the summer. I am working to teach the kids to always wear a hat and a long sleeve shirt. This protects from sun and bugs of which we have lots. Afton is modeling the hats we are trying this year. The strings keep them in place when zipping here and there on the 4wheeler. Don't let the grin fool you into thinking she is pleasant peach. She is mastering fit throwing with kicking arms and feet and a fierce shriek! Unfortunately for her we quickly give in and restore her desired cookie/book/toy/spot so she hushes up. We are probably creating a monster. Oh the joy.

A random picture I found on my phone. These two might be my biggest phone lovers after Afton of course.

And a new treat this summer Jell-O. This has been a rarity at our house because I am not a good jello maker. Mine NEVER sets! Aliza on the other hand has become quite proficient and has made this awesome treat for the HOT days the kids are working in. They need the electrolytes and it's cheaper than ice cream so why not. Of course no one gets a lot cuz there's so many vying for a scoop of cool sweetness.

I know jello is totally random. But when we had Afton a sweet friend in the ward brought us jello. I related to her how I was a jello flop. She has since told me how sad she feels for my deprived children not getting to savor something that is a staple at her house. She says she often contemplates making jello just for them! So I had to take the picture to share with her that my children were being well cared for in the hands of the super cook Aliza. Fun times for the dog days of summer!

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