Sunday, June 12, 2016

6.13.16 An update

Thank you for your prayers and kind words and thoughts. I am doing much better. There have been a lot of things causing a lot of worry and stress on my back burner. I finally was forced to take the time to weed through them and making some decisions. In addition I've been figuring out the amounts of supplements my body needs to finish this pregnancy and  I am doing much better.

Most importantly I can walk without every step sending jolts of pain through my leg and hip. I can walk around, up and down hills and steps and am able to bend again!

My chiropractor recommended magnesium. After research it made sense. It's a calming mineral. One that we are often deficient in. It has helped me be more calm- except when fire is needed!. It is a muscle relaxer, and a mild sedative/sleep aid. Not that I had trouble sleeping, but man I'm out till morning when I take it at night.

So from a lot of answered prayers and turning some of the stress and worry over to God, and trying to breathe deeply more often and relax things are improving. Thank you so much for your interest and kindness.

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