Saturday, June 25, 2016

6.25.16 on our farm we have

Kids that are cute.

Free range non-welfare chickens. We don't feed them much, they roam free and they provide us with eggs. They are self-sustaining and I get a real kick out of watching them drink from the hose connections like little outdoor water fountains.

Three little pigs who like to prove they can get out of fences...not a fun chore to get them back in.

4 lovely bovine ladies who are enjoying a green pasture and apples galore as they fall off the trees. Corn season is around the corner and they will get much more skilled at sniffy fresh corn husk and silk. YUM!

And 1 dead skunk!! YAY Harold! 2 more eggs today after the demise of the skunk! And no one got skunked!!

This morning Harold came running in "I need a gun there's a skunk outside..." He got the gun while I got the correct shells and he hurried back out.

I wasn't sure what was going on, morning is my slow time. And I was unsure how he was going to get it- as skunks are fast and STINKY! When the guys went out to do chores they found a juvenile skunk in a sunken pipe right under the water faucet. Greg got a hose to try to drown it but the darn thing floated to the top and crawled out. Thus Harold hunted it out and proceeded to shoot it completely, positively, thoroughly dead! That is important as a skunk is STINKY! I was so proud of my hunting crew.

The skunks are thick out here, Mark has come upon one 2x now while irrigating, thank goodness he was aware of the skunk before he got skunked. Now the boys think they need to pack protection while they work. I told them absolutely not. Hopefully they will get another opportunity soon to thin the population.
And the final resting place of the skunk. It did not move until buried so we are convinced it was dead as no one was willing to get close after it's lead introduction this morning. It did spray before it died so we had strong skunk smell for a few hours- thank goodness fro the stronger wind. God is Good!

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