Thursday, June 9, 2016

6.9.16 A lot of Special moments

These past few weeks have been busy with special moments. Aliza turned 12 so as per tradition, but much later than I had planned or hoped, we went to the temple as a family. (I was pregnant wearing the same comfortable dress when we took Harold too.) Yet as I watched with towel in hand for these wonderful kids my heart was full that I too, like Hannah of Old testament days, could present my children at the temple to do the work of the Lord. I'm so thankful they want and get to do this work. They are becoming such great people. It is an honor to have them in our home.

And my how they have grown. Harold is almost 5'11", Aliza is a solid 5'9" and poor Anna is just 5'8". All taller than mom, but Anna par for our course is looking to be the short one in our family (I am the shortest in my family :(.

Addie our feisty hard working little Spitter (as in Spitfire)turned 8. She is so diligent and good. Being the 6th to get baptize we did not squeeze in the baptism family home evening and we did not get overly anxious about what would happen. Poor Addie. We did sit down together and go through some scriptures and explanation of why baptism is so important and what would happen and the result of her choice to get baptized. I think she may have preferred that time with just the two of us. After a huge rush- its hot and first irrigations are happening here at the farm, thus lots of hours are spent figuring out and working thru dirt and water needs... and things like baptisms a half hour away are a real crunch. We made it and got the pictures, did the program and got her baptized and confirmed.

John also earned his religious knot and arrow of light. These are important learning and achievement patches as they are worn on the permanent uniform for boy scouts. Thank goodness fro leaders that are so diligent because I have not done much with John and scouting. We are so thankful for hard working leaders.

No I'm not punching John he was being his goofy self and giggling and pushing away my attempt to put my arm around him mom style. I love how poised April is, Someday I will find the confidence to practice picture poses in the mirror so I don't dislike all the results I get.

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