Tuesday, June 21, 2016

6.21.16 4wheeler girl

Afton has found a true love, riding the four wheeler. The big kids are all too happy to oblige with short rides to the mail box and to check water and such. She has started to talk saying "Go, go" and last night "light on, light off" as she flipped the light switch. But she doesn't need words to express her displeasure with being left from a ride as she throws big fits if not included. She loves to hold the key and the handle bars making sure she is the boss! Being a younger sibling is a good place to be!

The other kids aren't far behind on insisting they get turns too. The four wheeler has been such a pleasant necessary part of our farm life. We recently got this one back from the shop again, I think it's time to get rid of it and move on but whatever. This was the first one we bought many years ago and many happy family memories have been made with it. This group is getting ready to go to chores. Mark and Addie both are proving to be very capable operators these days. It's becoming more of an issue of who's driving than who can drive. So far no serious accidents and only one kid grounded for a few days.

A rare capture of Harold actually wanting a picture taken. I love the good will of Sunday evening. There is something special about spending the day a little more restful, a little more mindful of God, and a little less focused on work.

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