Tuesday, January 31, 2017

1.31.17 Afton's day

I am still mired in bookwork and life and have not been able to spare many minutes on things here at home. The lady in spots had a birthday. I am always at a loss as to what would be exciting, lasting, and fun for birthdays. This day I decided to not be motherly and to let her play as she will. Which meant time in the sink water- running it on her hands not splish splashing, and sledding indoors. 

In reverse order, that one above is finishing a run. There is a hole in that wall. I have never watched the sliding step by step I understand the hole now and talked them into a pillow to stop them.
 This is getting ready to start again.

All set final adjustments

The hats make it more real! They are gifts from a lady we removed snow for.

Falling out of formation but still sliding...

And getting ready for bed after a long fun day of playing with sisters. Presents at our house aren't always bought often they are just gifts of love, I love activities that we can share. These flexible patient girls are champs at keeping busy and keeping life interesting.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

1/28/17-12.16.16 Resident Hair Cutter

My resident hair cutter! 

She cut again (In december). This time Aftons cute curly hair. I was trying to relax to Reed when Millie said mom she's cutting Afton's hair. Alas the curls were on the floor and Livy's work was done. 

I think she also got a whack out of Reed's hair. He's sporting a short spot on the back of his head.

However after realizing she just wants to help I invited her to help me cut/shave the boys head for their monthly hair cuts. She loved wielding the clippers. It's not too hard to do and pretty foolproof, so maybe we tapped into a talent she has. I'm coming along in these mothering skills of mine. Instead of trying to stop the natural inclination figure out how to harness it and let it grow. She has been way less prone to snip since she got to do it for real. I think she even helped cut Greg's hair.

A sad endnote. Livy woke up with gum in her hair one morning. When she showed me I was nursing Bruce and couldn't take care of it. When she reminded me it was evening time and I was again nursing Bruce and couldn't take care of it. Next morning same deal. A little while later she came to me with the wad in hand attached to some long Livy hair. She had yanked that wad out of her head removing the hair to the roots!! OUCH! Alas the life in a big family. Poor kid. She had no tears and wasn't upset. She had not cut it out like, I asked her not to. So we are progressing in some way and regressing parent wise in others. Thank goodness for resilient kids. I've been trying to explain that concept to them that they have more resilience than older people because of their youthful energy. It's been challenging to explain.

Friday, January 27, 2017

1.20.17 Endurance

Just a few more pictures to remember the great snow of 2017! The first is outside our basement window which is almost flush with ground level. 

Snow at my sisters house. Her drywall was cracking and she determined the snow had to come off. I'm proud to say we shoveled a pathway through that mountain!! I felt like the workers tunneling through the sierra nevada's. Okay I know that's dramatic but this lady has never shoveled through something so daunting. Of course my farm kids have worked through such enormous odds and so once they were focused and I was there encouraging them along they pretty easily got it done!

A little more snow coverage those are normal size vehicles parked next to the mountains of snow!!

And my witty teenagers expressing their angst! Yes this is all in exclamation points.

I personally have done little shoveling and no higher elevation work. I do however watch and I know it is muscle straining, leg burning, hand numbing work. I know that it is cold and wet and sometimes fun and sometimes miserable. I also feel the length of each of these sessions as I'm trying to corral little kids who are bored and hungry and cold, and keep the big kids working so we can go home. I also feel the pride of accomplishing big tasks and helping others. We are learning about endurance. It is not easy to endure. To keep going and to keep drawing on energy reserves you are sure are spent. Yet it's important to find the grit that is deeper than your consciousness. The lessons that 'You can do hard things' and 'Working together is the way to get big hard things done.' Are vital to the rest of this mortal experience. It's hard to be the task master and mediary, it's no fun doing all the domestic stuff solo because the big helpers are wiped out and gone. This time period has also been extremely unifying and has brought a lot of character growth to us all. But we do cry inside and moan outside when we see big white puffy flakes of snow. Ugh! It's hard to stay thankful for the snow when you feel the weight of moving it around.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

1.18.17 to grandmothers house we went

It's been hard not to feel stir crazy being house bound in the deep snows of late. Yesterday we had the opportunity to go to grandma's house. We needed to pick up some relief society stuff and were asked to work on snow on her roofs. So the big kids went and worked on this.

While the little kids and I enjoyed lunch and visiting the treasure trove of Grandmas's house. My grandma's house has a multitude of interesting things to look at. Collectibles and rare pieces of Americana. The girls had a great time looking, not so good at not touching but it's good to learn some manners.

Harold playing in the snow. Or taking a break.

Driving home looked about like this. Well maybe a bit more foggy. It was some of the scariest driving I've ever done. Iced over window and wipers. A lady in front of us actually stopped dead on the road and caught her breath and cleaned her windshield. I'm sure she was panicking I was pretty scared at that point too. I took advantage to clean my windshield for the third time and waited. We ended up gently passing her and continuing on our slow trek. When we got to Vale we chained up and cleaned another roof.

Addie loves to take pictures and marks her work with a selfie somewhere in the mix. She also loved having some dad time and stayed behind to help him at the shop. We headed to a neighbors to carry firewood through the deep snow so he could have heat, then saw another neighbor stuck on the road. I asked if she needed help, she said yes and we unloaded. It is awesome to be flanked on both sides by your powerful good kids. Not just little curious ducklings anymore but strong adult or semi-mature bodies able to accomplish much. So we pushed her into her driveway and continued home. We all cheer when we get parked! After some unloading and undressing of the multiple layers we are sporting these days. We ate dinner and the kids headed back out to clean off some more roofs a small shed and the pig's shelter. So no relaxing in a hot bath or in front a movie just more and more us against the elements.
Oh well. It takes all who are willing to make it through days like these. Harold said on the way home how he hoped he could have a big family of his own to do lots of work with. And at dinner he said you know when we are not killing each other we can sure get a lot done!! Yes!!!! It is sinking in. Best to you today.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

1.18.17 Growing up

We didn't spend all our days in the snow. We had a choice experience to go to our friends baptism. We were honored to have the missionaries teach her in our home. We have known this friend since first grade and have watched her grow and come to this point through many hard trials and difficulties. It was good for Anna to share this experience with her. These are Anna's friends at the baptism.

President Hinckley said your friends are the most important indicator of your choices. I've been around and listened, watched, and talked with all these girls. They are good. They are fun and they are wanting to grow! 15 is the cusp of so much life!! I'm thankful Anna has and is a good friend.

Harold was demonstrating the size difference in he and Bruce, we couldn't even fit all of Harold's tall frame into this shot. Amazing! in just 14 years Harold has stretched so much. The human body is simply amazing. To be a mother and watch and feel and mold that body is pretty humbling and demanding. I am happy that Bruce is getting more meat on his bones even though he is getting really heavy to carry for long periods of time. His demands to eat all night long are wearing me out!

Typical preparation to go outside. It's cold. And extended exposure is brutal therefore cover all areas possible and work work work to get and stay warm! So good for her to join the crews outside. She doesn't love new experiences or being uncomfortable, and I really miss the policing creative entertainment inside when she's gone. But the camaraderie that has developed this last week is so good! I told Greg before they went back to school this challenge has again solidified our family. There is a nice peace in our home because we were all working together on hard things and relying on each other. Those are fundamental critical elements to team building. I love this big strong family of mine!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

1.15.17 foot rubs

I've mentioned in the past about the nice foot rubbing that sometimes happens during family scripture study. Well the little girls have been taught well and this time they took on rubbing the all the feet in the family! Afton is a go getter and moved from one person to the next. Her rubbing Harold's tired feet was too precious I wasn't in a good spot to get a really good picture but you get the drift.

Harold is a great big brother. he is morphing from boy to young man. he's good and kind and strong and capable. these snow days have been a great catalyst for some mighty changes.

Friday, January 13, 2017

1.13.16 School Time

Having all the kids home can be challenging, but it is also rewarding and helpful. It has been interesting to see how they have handled the time off. The first week we were organized and structured watching the snow fall we couldn't do much but sit inside. I began hearing Addie instructing the younger kids downstairs on the sounds of the alphabet and counting games. Now it has become a routine she does some school time everyday. 

Going through the letter sounds she even has a pointer!
Learning the days of the week. 

These are modern kids and they were working on their laptops prior to the oral portion of the lesson.

Even little Afton gets into the lessons. She can say her letter sounds with the older girls. She's not to be left out of anything.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

1.12.17 Sunday snow day

Church was cancelled Sunday and the kids spent the entire day removing snow from roofs. This was advantageous as you may have read in the last post.
Reed had a pretty bad spot holding the ladder while Greg shoveled on top of him. Brr.

The tractors have been a lifesaver. They can handle this much snow. It is too deep for cars to get traction. I'm so thankful that the blade is available and makes my road semi-passable. 

Greg lifted the kids up and they began working on the ice dam which had formed on our roof. They also scooped the snow to lessen the weight on our roof.

Reed up to his waist in snow. We got 4-6 inches more the next day right as school got out.

Since the snow is so deep we have been pretty house bound. The kids are a bit stir crazy but thank goodness for the talents of the older kids. Addie is the best and most consistent school teacher. Afton is getting big and independent and likes to take her turn hold baby Bruce. He is a pleasant fellow when his tummy is full and likes to be near the warm fire just like all the other kiddos here.

During the rare times Harold is home he is loving and playing with the youngest kids here. They sure trust and love him. So fun to watch him morph into a man right now. All this time working with Greg at the shop and moving snow for people around town has really brought out the greatness in him.

Livy is developing some new coloring talents. She is very curious and recently careful. I had her help me cut the boys hair and she was in heaven. I think finally channeling her desire to do things will help her not be so naughty.  I hope.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

1.11.17 Snow Work

There are days which last forever in your memory. I think today will be one of those. It has snowed so much, roofs are collapsing around the valley. As the relief society president I keep an eye on people and I noticed some roofs I was worried about. This one I had not seen as I am very leery of getting stuck and just didn't venture that far.

However, a friend had called and asked Greg for workers. The boys were already committed to another project.

I had decided last night our road workers needed some gratitude so we made cookies and thank yous to take to them today. After getting stuck in the driveway, we were able to rock our way out after some shoveling we headed to town barreling through the 3 inch deep slush. It was intense driving. We got to town bought some more rubber boots so another of us could be out in the deep stuff and headed to this project. These are the most servingist people I know. However, as with all of us, life has caught up with them with a sprained ankle and vicious cancer they are not able to do all they would like. We were honored to be able to return some of the favor.

The kids had spent all day Sunday clearing roofs and so were adept at being up high. They were over joyed to find this was shingles not tin. So much more traction. We invited some friends and it was fun- our style!

To celebrate being done the kids jump off the roof into the drifts. Thanks Uncle Bryce for encouraging this. So far no broken bones. The drifts are about 5 feet deep when they are done.
We moved on to the next house. It was literally more straight forward.

However, after we were done I received a text stating- all the snow dumped on the deck would very possibly collapse it and could we come back and remove it?-

In the meantime,  I had been stuck two times in the street- the irony after thanking the clean-up crew. Once some kind teenage boys tried to pull me out, couldn't budge the van. I was rescued by our tow truck driver and the mighty winch.  And the second leaving mutual Greg came and dug it out and then him and the kids pushed the van backwards so I could get out. It was late. Bruce had been a champ all day and I was frazzled done!

 I told the person I could not come back with crew tonight but before school we would work on it. Well After triumphantly making it up the driveway and home!!! That is major after all the getting stuck in town today in addition to yesterday getting stuck at our road. I am so sick of being helplessly stuck! Greg took Anna and Harold and shoveled her back porch, late tonight in the dark.
It's those lessons- working late at night to do a job completely correct and helping someone who really can't help themself- that you remember. I have many of those etched in my brain.  They are some of my favorite times with my dad. While it is SOOOO! hard to be the mom and want things to be fun, and kind, and easier for my kiddos I'm thankful for the hard, for the challenge, and for the trust to do big projects. I'm thankful Greg is such a capable completely knowledgeable spouse. Nothing is out of his reach. I personally am not so good when I'm stuck. I don't know which way to dig or go but he has taught our kiddos and they work it out.

My job has switched from being the muscles to being the money. Buying more boots, buying more shovels as the kids loose them like pairs of socks, bringing food, and driving them to and fro. But it's also standing back and being quiet while they learn. Ahh life is good especially when it's hard. They are turning into confident people because they are learning to take the challenges of life and find solutions. Best to you.

Friday, January 6, 2017

1.6.17 snow day report

We had two official snow days this week. We are blessed to have free fridays so we essentially got another week of vacation. however the kiddos were itching to get back into the school routine so we worked on some home school work each day. As I sat a the table with my 4 boys- minus Harold I was happy to have such funny guys who are similar yet vastly different. I've been having the older ones teach the younger ones some critical thinking activities. Good to watch them teach and learn together

The days it snowed they bundled up and headed to town to shovel snow and help people push their cars out so they could get where they needed to be. This reaped some nice rewards. From payment for shoveling to hot chocolate and beef sticks the boys had a good experience.

It's cold check out these ice cicles and that deep snow!

Our tow truck driver sent me these pictures suggesting that he had kid napped the boy. I assured him he would be begging us to take him back. These kiddos have lots of energy and questions and need lots of activity and mental stimulation or they are a lot to handle. He laughed and didn't follow through on taking them.

Some of us fairer flowers stay home close to the heaters. While this may be a bit extreme she loves to just sit and think and read and be warm. I suggested a jacket and some socks to help her endure the extreme weather we are experiencing.

And one of my helpers. I'm back at the computer for the annual January book reconciliation. The kids are missing individual attention so they sit on my lap until bored. I was up too much in the night with a crabby baby. Poor kiddo has a touch of something. he of course is sleeping peacefully now. Life is good with my hands full. And I must say I have really appreciated the time with the kids. We have learned, relaxed, served, ate well- Aliza is in charge of lunches and she has been doing really well with some free meal plans & recipes printed from emeals.com. She's also working on a new quilt for her bed. Anna's been working on getting some family pictures mounted and hung on our picture wall.  And HArold is working long hours with dad helping him keep up with repairs. Life is good on these snowy days!