Thursday, January 19, 2017

1.18.17 to grandmothers house we went

It's been hard not to feel stir crazy being house bound in the deep snows of late. Yesterday we had the opportunity to go to grandma's house. We needed to pick up some relief society stuff and were asked to work on snow on her roofs. So the big kids went and worked on this.

While the little kids and I enjoyed lunch and visiting the treasure trove of Grandmas's house. My grandma's house has a multitude of interesting things to look at. Collectibles and rare pieces of Americana. The girls had a great time looking, not so good at not touching but it's good to learn some manners.

Harold playing in the snow. Or taking a break.

Driving home looked about like this. Well maybe a bit more foggy. It was some of the scariest driving I've ever done. Iced over window and wipers. A lady in front of us actually stopped dead on the road and caught her breath and cleaned her windshield. I'm sure she was panicking I was pretty scared at that point too. I took advantage to clean my windshield for the third time and waited. We ended up gently passing her and continuing on our slow trek. When we got to Vale we chained up and cleaned another roof.

Addie loves to take pictures and marks her work with a selfie somewhere in the mix. She also loved having some dad time and stayed behind to help him at the shop. We headed to a neighbors to carry firewood through the deep snow so he could have heat, then saw another neighbor stuck on the road. I asked if she needed help, she said yes and we unloaded. It is awesome to be flanked on both sides by your powerful good kids. Not just little curious ducklings anymore but strong adult or semi-mature bodies able to accomplish much. So we pushed her into her driveway and continued home. We all cheer when we get parked! After some unloading and undressing of the multiple layers we are sporting these days. We ate dinner and the kids headed back out to clean off some more roofs a small shed and the pig's shelter. So no relaxing in a hot bath or in front a movie just more and more us against the elements.
Oh well. It takes all who are willing to make it through days like these. Harold said on the way home how he hoped he could have a big family of his own to do lots of work with. And at dinner he said you know when we are not killing each other we can sure get a lot done!! Yes!!!! It is sinking in. Best to you today.

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