Friday, January 6, 2017

1.6.17 snow day report

We had two official snow days this week. We are blessed to have free fridays so we essentially got another week of vacation. however the kiddos were itching to get back into the school routine so we worked on some home school work each day. As I sat a the table with my 4 boys- minus Harold I was happy to have such funny guys who are similar yet vastly different. I've been having the older ones teach the younger ones some critical thinking activities. Good to watch them teach and learn together

The days it snowed they bundled up and headed to town to shovel snow and help people push their cars out so they could get where they needed to be. This reaped some nice rewards. From payment for shoveling to hot chocolate and beef sticks the boys had a good experience.

It's cold check out these ice cicles and that deep snow!

Our tow truck driver sent me these pictures suggesting that he had kid napped the boy. I assured him he would be begging us to take him back. These kiddos have lots of energy and questions and need lots of activity and mental stimulation or they are a lot to handle. He laughed and didn't follow through on taking them.

Some of us fairer flowers stay home close to the heaters. While this may be a bit extreme she loves to just sit and think and read and be warm. I suggested a jacket and some socks to help her endure the extreme weather we are experiencing.

And one of my helpers. I'm back at the computer for the annual January book reconciliation. The kids are missing individual attention so they sit on my lap until bored. I was up too much in the night with a crabby baby. Poor kiddo has a touch of something. he of course is sleeping peacefully now. Life is good with my hands full. And I must say I have really appreciated the time with the kids. We have learned, relaxed, served, ate well- Aliza is in charge of lunches and she has been doing really well with some free meal plans & recipes printed from She's also working on a new quilt for her bed. Anna's been working on getting some family pictures mounted and hung on our picture wall.  And HArold is working long hours with dad helping him keep up with repairs. Life is good on these snowy days!

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