Wednesday, January 18, 2017

1.18.17 Growing up

We didn't spend all our days in the snow. We had a choice experience to go to our friends baptism. We were honored to have the missionaries teach her in our home. We have known this friend since first grade and have watched her grow and come to this point through many hard trials and difficulties. It was good for Anna to share this experience with her. These are Anna's friends at the baptism.

President Hinckley said your friends are the most important indicator of your choices. I've been around and listened, watched, and talked with all these girls. They are good. They are fun and they are wanting to grow! 15 is the cusp of so much life!! I'm thankful Anna has and is a good friend.

Harold was demonstrating the size difference in he and Bruce, we couldn't even fit all of Harold's tall frame into this shot. Amazing! in just 14 years Harold has stretched so much. The human body is simply amazing. To be a mother and watch and feel and mold that body is pretty humbling and demanding. I am happy that Bruce is getting more meat on his bones even though he is getting really heavy to carry for long periods of time. His demands to eat all night long are wearing me out!

Typical preparation to go outside. It's cold. And extended exposure is brutal therefore cover all areas possible and work work work to get and stay warm! So good for her to join the crews outside. She doesn't love new experiences or being uncomfortable, and I really miss the policing creative entertainment inside when she's gone. But the camaraderie that has developed this last week is so good! I told Greg before they went back to school this challenge has again solidified our family. There is a nice peace in our home because we were all working together on hard things and relying on each other. Those are fundamental critical elements to team building. I love this big strong family of mine!

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