Saturday, January 28, 2017

1/28/17-12.16.16 Resident Hair Cutter

My resident hair cutter! 

She cut again (In december). This time Aftons cute curly hair. I was trying to relax to Reed when Millie said mom she's cutting Afton's hair. Alas the curls were on the floor and Livy's work was done. 

I think she also got a whack out of Reed's hair. He's sporting a short spot on the back of his head.

However after realizing she just wants to help I invited her to help me cut/shave the boys head for their monthly hair cuts. She loved wielding the clippers. It's not too hard to do and pretty foolproof, so maybe we tapped into a talent she has. I'm coming along in these mothering skills of mine. Instead of trying to stop the natural inclination figure out how to harness it and let it grow. She has been way less prone to snip since she got to do it for real. I think she even helped cut Greg's hair.

A sad endnote. Livy woke up with gum in her hair one morning. When she showed me I was nursing Bruce and couldn't take care of it. When she reminded me it was evening time and I was again nursing Bruce and couldn't take care of it. Next morning same deal. A little while later she came to me with the wad in hand attached to some long Livy hair. She had yanked that wad out of her head removing the hair to the roots!! OUCH! Alas the life in a big family. Poor kid. She had no tears and wasn't upset. She had not cut it out like, I asked her not to. So we are progressing in some way and regressing parent wise in others. Thank goodness for resilient kids. I've been trying to explain that concept to them that they have more resilience than older people because of their youthful energy. It's been challenging to explain.

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