Thursday, January 12, 2017

1.12.17 Sunday snow day

Church was cancelled Sunday and the kids spent the entire day removing snow from roofs. This was advantageous as you may have read in the last post.
Reed had a pretty bad spot holding the ladder while Greg shoveled on top of him. Brr.

The tractors have been a lifesaver. They can handle this much snow. It is too deep for cars to get traction. I'm so thankful that the blade is available and makes my road semi-passable. 

Greg lifted the kids up and they began working on the ice dam which had formed on our roof. They also scooped the snow to lessen the weight on our roof.

Reed up to his waist in snow. We got 4-6 inches more the next day right as school got out.

Since the snow is so deep we have been pretty house bound. The kids are a bit stir crazy but thank goodness for the talents of the older kids. Addie is the best and most consistent school teacher. Afton is getting big and independent and likes to take her turn hold baby Bruce. He is a pleasant fellow when his tummy is full and likes to be near the warm fire just like all the other kiddos here.

During the rare times Harold is home he is loving and playing with the youngest kids here. They sure trust and love him. So fun to watch him morph into a man right now. All this time working with Greg at the shop and moving snow for people around town has really brought out the greatness in him.

Livy is developing some new coloring talents. She is very curious and recently careful. I had her help me cut the boys hair and she was in heaven. I think finally channeling her desire to do things will help her not be so naughty.  I hope.

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