Tuesday, January 31, 2017

1.31.17 Afton's day

I am still mired in bookwork and life and have not been able to spare many minutes on things here at home. The lady in spots had a birthday. I am always at a loss as to what would be exciting, lasting, and fun for birthdays. This day I decided to not be motherly and to let her play as she will. Which meant time in the sink water- running it on her hands not splish splashing, and sledding indoors. 

In reverse order, that one above is finishing a run. There is a hole in that wall. I have never watched the sliding step by step I understand the hole now and talked them into a pillow to stop them.
 This is getting ready to start again.

All set final adjustments

The hats make it more real! They are gifts from a lady we removed snow for.

Falling out of formation but still sliding...

And getting ready for bed after a long fun day of playing with sisters. Presents at our house aren't always bought often they are just gifts of love, I love activities that we can share. These flexible patient girls are champs at keeping busy and keeping life interesting.

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