Wednesday, January 11, 2017

1.11.17 Snow Work

There are days which last forever in your memory. I think today will be one of those. It has snowed so much, roofs are collapsing around the valley. As the relief society president I keep an eye on people and I noticed some roofs I was worried about. This one I had not seen as I am very leery of getting stuck and just didn't venture that far.

However, a friend had called and asked Greg for workers. The boys were already committed to another project.

I had decided last night our road workers needed some gratitude so we made cookies and thank yous to take to them today. After getting stuck in the driveway, we were able to rock our way out after some shoveling we headed to town barreling through the 3 inch deep slush. It was intense driving. We got to town bought some more rubber boots so another of us could be out in the deep stuff and headed to this project. These are the most servingist people I know. However, as with all of us, life has caught up with them with a sprained ankle and vicious cancer they are not able to do all they would like. We were honored to be able to return some of the favor.

The kids had spent all day Sunday clearing roofs and so were adept at being up high. They were over joyed to find this was shingles not tin. So much more traction. We invited some friends and it was fun- our style!

To celebrate being done the kids jump off the roof into the drifts. Thanks Uncle Bryce for encouraging this. So far no broken bones. The drifts are about 5 feet deep when they are done.
We moved on to the next house. It was literally more straight forward.

However, after we were done I received a text stating- all the snow dumped on the deck would very possibly collapse it and could we come back and remove it?-

In the meantime,  I had been stuck two times in the street- the irony after thanking the clean-up crew. Once some kind teenage boys tried to pull me out, couldn't budge the van. I was rescued by our tow truck driver and the mighty winch.  And the second leaving mutual Greg came and dug it out and then him and the kids pushed the van backwards so I could get out. It was late. Bruce had been a champ all day and I was frazzled done!

 I told the person I could not come back with crew tonight but before school we would work on it. Well After triumphantly making it up the driveway and home!!! That is major after all the getting stuck in town today in addition to yesterday getting stuck at our road. I am so sick of being helplessly stuck! Greg took Anna and Harold and shoveled her back porch, late tonight in the dark.
It's those lessons- working late at night to do a job completely correct and helping someone who really can't help themself- that you remember. I have many of those etched in my brain.  They are some of my favorite times with my dad. While it is SOOOO! hard to be the mom and want things to be fun, and kind, and easier for my kiddos I'm thankful for the hard, for the challenge, and for the trust to do big projects. I'm thankful Greg is such a capable completely knowledgeable spouse. Nothing is out of his reach. I personally am not so good when I'm stuck. I don't know which way to dig or go but he has taught our kiddos and they work it out.

My job has switched from being the muscles to being the money. Buying more boots, buying more shovels as the kids loose them like pairs of socks, bringing food, and driving them to and fro. But it's also standing back and being quiet while they learn. Ahh life is good especially when it's hard. They are turning into confident people because they are learning to take the challenges of life and find solutions. Best to you.

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