Wednesday, January 4, 2017

1.5.17 After Christmas

We enjoy presents!! And snow!!! and Family!

Our three beautiful princesses in their princess dresses. They love these dresses and love to play together. Thank goodness for sisters life is more fun with others to share it.

It seemed a little warmer, dad was in less of a rush and so I pushed for some sledding. It turned out to be colder than I realized and was greeted with crying kids because their hands were so cold. That's why hot chocolate is so necessary to warm up frozen hands. We obliged and it was a good memory.

Harold is the best big brother. The men in this family are not shy around babies and are often found with one in their arms. Harold has really taken to loving and caring for Bruce, and Bruce calmly accepts all the flying and manstyle holding/playing. Melts my heart. These guys are all about the same distance apart in age. Life moves fast I'm thankful for traditions and holidays that help us stay connected.

Enjoying the cold cereal from the gift exchange. Yum all the sugar cereal I never buy!!

One benefit of time off of school is TIME!! I got a clean fridge, sorted clothes bins, and a clean pantry in two days. I love my small army. Amazing how little there is when it is organized.

These two discovered they are the same size. So fun when the kiddos finally recognize their cousins. These two are two months apart and will probably be great friends! We are grateful for our plethora of cousins and the fun times we get to share. 

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