Thursday, January 5, 2017

1.5.17 in your prime

Tonight we were talking about the doctrine that your spirit looks like your body not like an alien or donkey. When checking the kids understanding they said "Well, Dad's spirit looks like he did when he was in his prime. Before he lost his hair from getting married and having kids. That will come back to him someday."
They went on about him being older. Poor dad. How naive they are about the cruel and wonderful passage of time!

Part of the fun of teenagers is the immortality of youth. They can do and be all that they dream. Just ask that son of mine. He has no fear of their future and complete confidence in his full head of hair and completely healthy body. It is bittersweet to be the aging parent.
And the trials of winter chapped skin.

This happy guy is so fun to watch with his siblings. He is growing slowly but surely even when he spits at least half of it back at me. Wondering if maybe he doesn't like all the chocolate of the holidays. We started our clean eating program today (maybe just for today) so we will see if that helps. 

We loaded a "gently handled" beef tonight. 
The kids were given a beef to sell. Anna was put in charge as she is the oldest and working on her Ag. experience project for FFA. It was so fun to listen to them brainstorm one snowy afternoon. We  decided a major selling point of the animals here on the farm is their low carbon footprint. Beef are born and raised and fed food from a 4 mile radius. All work with them is done by hand and on foot. The only time they are transported is individually to a local butcher. In addition, the on foot and by hand handling causes them less stress...
We are just using the new words that are in the news and supposed hearts and minds of the consumer we are trying to satisfy. All of it's true and we are trying to be positive about tramping around in the 12 inches of snow on the ground in 23 degree weather on this fine winter night! It's all good. Always empowering to see what we can get done when we all work together. 

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