Tuesday, January 3, 2017

1.4.17 Christmas Past

It is a hefty responsibility to make your kids eyes light up for Christmas. It is one that I don't tkae lightly. I have sweet memories or receiving the most coveted gift of my immature heart when I was younger. Each year I struggle to make this happen. I am so grateful for kind parents and friends who make this an easy burden to bear. 

There has been an abnormal amount of snowfall in our valley. As a result our kids have spent many hours shoveling snow. One of the rewards for this work was 2- 1 pound chocolate bars, and this huge pile of yumminess for the rest of us. This was the beginning of the festivities on Christmas Eve.

The rest of the night we enjoyed a yummy dinner and a cold cereal gift exchange that was so fun for the kids. The adults tried a white elephant gift exchange. We are family. No one brought anything too outrageous or too shocking to be showed to the group or talked about at church the next day. We just aren't that kind of family. We are serious, we are workers, we are reserved and we are kind. It is reassuring to get together though and share what is happening in each family group. I am always asked to play accompaniment to the family carol singing. We have some beautiful confident voices in our family. I LOVE listening to them sing and could sit there for an hour just listening. But that is not exciting to the kiddos. So they retired to the basement and watched a movie while the adults visited and cleaned up. It's a peaceful way to start the holiday.

This year as we were the last to leave we opened some of our gifts in front of those who gave them. The highlight for me was Reed opening a large package of Irish Spring Soap. His perplexed little face was so cute. I longed to laugh and take a picture, but didn't want to appear rude. We use plain non-smelling soap. Since morning sickness I can't take strong scents. (I'm not pregnant that's just one of the things that has lingered). So as the kids have gotten older they have been given some smelly soaps. They love them. Anyway that was a gift that was practical and that they desired. He got to unwrap it and was just unsure what he got. It was cute.

The anticipation. I love seeing my kids in pictures, they are often caught loving each other. In spite of me they are happy and peaceful in an 11 kids in one room way. 

The lead up to Christmas was rough. Lots of broken glass from reluctant lackadaisical dish washers. Lots of snow. Lots of challenges from school and life and I was just so done. I nixed the stockings, and put the kids and myself to bed. Next morning I woke to John trying to rectify the situation. I told him to stop there would be no stockings and to be quiet. Yes I know I am the Grinch! 
We had church at 9 and so we hurried to get there. The service was beautiful. Past bishops of our ward spoke. We know and love them and it was so nice to hear their time won wisdom. We were also favored with music from a college ward member. He is studying organ in his free time in Boston! He was fresh and enthusiastic and my heart was filled by his music.
I was more in the Christmas spirit after we went caroling to some single ladies around town. We headed home to find breakfast had failed to finish cooking while we were gone. Again we were back to the realities of home. Nonetheless, we got to presents around 1 and the kids had a great experience in spite of their grouchy mom. 

New rubber boots to wear when the golden princess shoes weren't warm enough for the foot of snow outside.

Gel pins and a new watch. She loves to color and do art.

A beautiful wood chest to lock her treasures in. She was so excited!!

A new blanket and books. New readers are encouraged to get comfy and read by grandma Saunders kind gift.

I told Mark about 1000 times he was not getting a combine ever again. He is too old, it's too expensive, he's never home to play with it...yep I'm a Big Mean Green Grinch! But his wiser and kinder grandparents got him his most wished for item a combine. And yes he has played with it. It is semi-safely under his bed. We all know it's his and he is in heaven.

Christmas was good. It's over for another year.  My favorite part is the nap after. But really I enjoy the entire month striving to be together as a family, doing good, and bringing cheer to others. The cheer and happiness that we take for granted because it is just who we are and how we live. I am truly blessed by this growing, destructive, highly capable crew I call mine. Happy New Year!

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