Thursday, July 27, 2017

7.27.17 Making Deals

For good effort on reading Reed gets some kind of reward everyday. When I quizzed the older kids about what helped them want to struggle through learning to read the treats from teachers came up again and again. So I invested in 5 lbs of gummy worms and lots of chocolate to spur him to action. After our sunday scripture reading, we keep the sabbath holy and do our practicing!, he negotiated a new deal getting to drive the four wheeler to the farm. I like a nice evening outside so I said yes. 

He got us safely there with me all the time saying keep it at 20! Slow down! Look where you are going! Oh I'm so nervous about other's being in control of my life and healthy ability to move. 

We found dad at the farm and went to check on some other animals. Bruce loves getting to ride and was checking for knobs to pull or push.

The night before we had our ward party. It was a very nice evening topped off with horse rides and a softball game. PERFECT!

The girls were in heaven. Their greatest desire is to ride horses... unfortunately that ship has sailed long ago. Poor horsesick girls console themselves with horse movies and books.
And riding the four wheeler with dad. Sure love how he always has room and desire for one more and that he makes a point to spend time with his kids when he's around. Sunday night is a highlight of the week because of him. I've found I enjoy it a lot more when I join the group instead of waiting at home. That was some advice I got in April from the parenting class-

"Mom's be in the picture. Do what your kids and family is doing don't miss out. They want you there!"

So far no one has complained that safety first mom is there, and I've got a look into what takes them forever, and how good of a dad he always is. I've sweated and got dirty with them and found a lot of respect for their ability to work in very difficult conditions, which is good when we can see each other more clearly.

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