Thursday, April 26, 2018

4.26.18 Pig whisperers

We have been admonished from the start that our pigs need exercise and more handling. The kids have been reading with the pigs and spending extra time in the pens. After a thorough demonstration by some friends of walking pigs we decided it was now or never so we opened the gates and shooed them out of their enclosures. It wasn't as big of a circus as I imagined. In fact it was very interesting who controlled the pigs the best. Winner right here!

2nd place and I'm guessing will be a tie soon. Addie. She has consistently cared for and befriended her pigs. Mark surprisingly has a ways to go hopefully some solo practice without bossy sisters will help him be more calm.
All said and done no runaways, tears, and going out again tonight. Who knew this was such a long haul to fair? OR pigs were exercise partners? We certainly didn't but we are learning and spending lots of time learning to work together. So we can be calm and happy at the fair.

John, Addie and I spent a lot of time Saturday making more shade for the pigs. We built 4 structures, I even pounded my first post. John is much more efficient than I- he is really quite strong.

The improved pen with lots of places to lay around and get out of the sun while growing FAST! The timelines of fair prep are stressing me out, I'm not good at deadlines as life inevitably goes beserk at those dates. See last Friday whole family strep doctor visits and pictures of all kids and pigs developed and delivered by a certain time. Oh well more organization and preparation and maybe we will be successful. My happy camper Bruce is in the corner of the picture. He is loving all this animal closeness and power tools. DREAMY!

 I will move on to other topics soon promise, these pigs have just consumed our weekends for the past month hoping that we get to the easy part soon... or not I do truly love spending this time with my middle kids working with them and witnessing their talents is important work too. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

4.24.18 Addie's Restraunt

You know sometimes its just better to go with the flow than try to be the one stalwart against the tide. Monday I made my favorite dinner. Pulled pork tacos with cilantro lime rice and homemade tortillas. At least 5 of the kids went to bed hungry because "EWWW that's gross, I hate that!" They were up bright and early the next morning demanding breakfast. 
So last night on the heels of that fun the kids cooked hamburgers and french fries. Homemade french fries. Oh yum! I love that meal too. Well not to be stopped on the kids taking over Addie decided the little kids needed a restaurant experience. So she set them up with individual tables and served them piece by piece. Complete with a milkshake at the end!

 It really was a fun dining experience though. We sang to pandora enjoyed hot fries and visited. Sometimes mom rules just need to be let down a bit.

Everybody was happy and full. My girls are so good at making special memories for their siblings.

Not to be outdone these girls love and I mean LOVE shrimp. They are totally capable and willing to prepare it themselves as they did this day. Melt butter in pan, add shrimp. Stir till pink. Add parsley and garlic. Eat it quick before anyone else wants some.

You win some you loose some. And I guess all in all mission accomplished self-sufficient happy kids.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

4.21.18 Dad's helpers

We are in various stages of sick at our house. From wishing to die to slightly elevated fever to recovering thanks to meds yesterday. I am so thankful for the brilliant people who developed and continue to refine antibiotics, pain killers, and vaccinations. After days like today and the cost I'm so thankful I probably won't endure small pox, measles, chicken pox or the like with all these kiddos in my home.
So 3 hours later at the doc and about 45 minutes at the pharmacy we have drugs and instructions to quarantine ourselves, rest, drink lots, and get better. Ohhh sounds nice. But I'm off to deliver pig photos and grocery shop. 
However, while we went through the second round of doc evaluations I sent the done kids with dad. Oh that was so nice! And found I should do that more often as this busy man is not happy with boring old mom. 

A wobbly socket and time was pure joy for this boy! MArk is trying to take it from him so we can leave. 

We traded for a screwdriver and a gasket with screw he could turn. He was still not pleased about leaving dad. 

He fell asleep on the way home tools in hand. But when the fourwheeler came to take Aliza to her next stop he dropped the tools and hopped on that for the next adventure. He had an enjoyable time playing with the pigs as we finished pictures and is now napping somewhere. Looking forward to some down time later this weekend- sometime I hope! Only 250 more doses to go but again I am truly thankful not to have to suffer for long and to be so easily cured. Science and God's inspiration are such GREAT blessings we so often take for granted in our modern world. And an understanding doctor and staff who squoze in 12 extra people today. Generous and thoughtful! We are blessed.

4.21.18 Pig people

Oh man we have gone whole hog here. I can't believe I was feeding pigs marshmallows tonight standing in their pens very close and encouraging my kids to sit and scratch them. We are all in. Or trying to be. You can tell from the following pictures who has spent the most time in the pig pen. Addie doesn't have to coerce her pigs she's ready to start walking them. Mark gained some trust with marshmallows... John is pretty chill and needs a lot of reading time out amongst his pigs. 

And our aspiring helpers. Bruce's first communication sound after ma and da is a pig snort. He is very proud of it and thinks he's cleaver when he snorts. He loves to be at the pig pen. Here we go a long summer of pig walking, bathing, and training. What a life. I think I lost my mind when I decided we should do this.

Friday, April 20, 2018

4.20.18 Knowledge Fair

The week finally came for the knowledge fair! The kids had been diligently reading and learning about heroes from history! I like this project as it is one of our strengths to learn by reading, but it also pushes the kids to learn about important people from the past. I did not get a picture besides this of Mark who was representing Chester Nez, and Navajo Code talker from WWII. 
This is such a great story of American heroism and ingenuity. He and 32 others developed a written code using Navajo. We later learned the Hopi and Choctaw language were also used in other theatres of war. These Indians are still warriors and highly favored for military service as their bravery, resilience, and grit are what it takes to be a soldier. (please excuse the dirty house we are busy living life and do clean periodically, but not as regularly as necessary for perfect pictures.)

John read an 800 page book about Dwight D. Eisenhower. HE also read 2 children's level books to help on time. I'm pleased with his ability to read what is given. He knows a lot about this great man who was born for that time and need. The victory sign of course!

Our sweet Addie as LAura Ingalls wilder. Another plucky personality who dealth with great adveristy and a life of hardship but shares only the good and happy family life as she put her early life history to paper. How thankful we are for her writing.

I told the girls no queens this year. That rather they should do people who made a difference on ordinary terms. Hence Alzia fresh off of reading every book L.M. Montgomery wrote chose her. Again a sad life full of disappointment and hardship yet she left some of the most beautiful inspiring ladies in print today. 

Ahh Ronald Reagan. The president of my youth. What a man. Reed and I persevered through a 5th grade level book and really enjoyed learning about this diverse gentleman. Reading his life made me long for the civility that has been lost in this new Millennium. Reed loved that REgan ate jellybeans when people were talking to long! Cleaver! A big thank you to our cousin Michael for the generous loan of camo and suit jacket.

And two others I just happened to catch before the hall got so noisy and busy. Isn't he cute. The wigs were a big add-on this year. 

Addie's good friend. She had a baby on her back. Both these kiddos did a great job with their speeches as well. All the kids gave a 1-8 minute speech about their person. 

And on that same day this guy achieved his yearlong goal to win the shop skills contest. Super pleased with his determination and continued work towards increasing his skill set and learning. He won the gloves and welding jacket. Which is handy because Greg was getting after him for not welding with proper clothes protection. Problem solved!
 He has a chance to go to state. He went to a math competition the next day and came home with an earache. His eardrum burst the next day but he is still at home resting. Gotta get him well so he can continue with his busy golf schedule and preparing for state, and catching up on the weeks worth of school work he missed. Life is good. 

Thursday, April 19, 2018

4.19.18 Madame president

Anna is the 2018-2019 President of her FFA chapter. Last night was the annual banquet where members were recognized for their accomplishments of the past year. It was an enjoyable high energy social night. Grandparents came to support.
My mom and grandma have been to more of these than they can probably count, but are always up for another year of report. We are very blessed to have generations of support. (The trial of getting this picture is almost too much for words. Younger giddy silly brothers at the phone haphazardly clicking or not. I'm amazed we got this shot.)

Anna being installed. The two at the podium were the past two presidents she has learned a lot watching and working with both of these great kids. Her officer group is behind her.

The FFA chapter she will be leading. That's a lot of kids with a few missing.

Future FFA members. Aliza and friends who graciously agreed to come serve the dinner. These two are great kids who are about to take the high school by storm. They are smart, kind, hard working, competitors, and AMBITIOUS! I see continued super success for these ladies.

On the mom front there was a dessert auction to raise money for the Washington D.C. Leadership Conference. Which Anna, and hopefully more of my kids will be attending. Having multiple children in the club I felt obligated to make more than one dessert offering. I saw these awesome chocolate cups, which people gave rave reviews on Facebook earlier this spring so we set off on a mom challenge. Chocolate covered water balloons filled with mousse.

Challenge 1. Find water balloons. I had cleaned under the couch the day before and threw away perfectly fine water balloons because I was dejunking and sick of blowing them up and tying them. Water balloons are now very expensive because of a new invention to blow them up and tie them off. I couldn't find the old plain do it yourself kind we had. Panic!!
Until standing in line Reed announced he had a stash under his bed and would share. Phew.
So we washed them in hot soapy water and coated them in chocolate.

Challenge 2. Keeping them safe! Chocolate in any form is highly desirable here. We are probably short on minerals. But keeping these creations safe for 24 hours was a challenge. Afton and Bruce shared the remaining almond bark square as part of their breakfast yesterday. They were very happy with that chance. 

The unique fragile cups. We dipped the balloons twice trying to make the sides strong enough as we were warned the mousse would be heavy and might crack the shells. The muffin cups were a bit too thick. 

The mousse was also a first. I've never made that multi-step goodness before but it was surprisingly easy and turned out divine like always. Thank you Aunt Brenda!! We piped it in carefully using a gallon ziplock with the end snipped off. One two pie recipe was plenty for ten water balloons and 6 muffin cups, and a little to taste test!

The finished product. A swirl of whipped cream and berries. Millie is sitting here stating those are amazing. Yes they looked pretty good and I think tasted any better. As they were an auction item I did not get a taste. The kids ate the muffin cups. I tasted the pieces in separate parts and yes they were yummy. These were the first to go to the highest bidder. That happened to be some good friends of mine who are always over the top with decoration and effort so it was a fitting gift to them. A fun night. A big year ahead. Always new mountains to climb and adventures to take. I'm excite for our family and praying with gratitude for our blessings and sincerity for help to keep going.

Monday, April 16, 2018

4.16.18 Hungry and ye fed me

Isn't she cute?! Haven't fit this charming picture in anywhere and it doesn't really relate to the post other than she was helping with dinner and was so happy with the new green bow thanks to the Middle school dance earlier that day. 

Our hungry little pigs. Black and latest arrivals, pink are older. I think I shrunk the black ones on the drive from their farm to ours...but we are good at feeding things so we have hope and lots of advice on what to do to make them big!

A few weeks ago we were signed up to feed the missionaries. Our stake has encouraged/asked/ admonished us to be prepared with either a dinner guest of time to go out with the missionaries after the meal to take more responsibility for the missionary work in our communities. I was very apprehensive about this. Nights are so full of homework and chores and de-stressing and discussing the day that it's hard to imagine fitting in anymore. I reluctantly agreed and then forgot the appointment until the day came.
I began cleaning and cleaning and cleaning when I remembered that morning. UGH! Not how I had planned to spend the day. I was not happy about all the imposed work and decided on a simple dinner we all like and will feed a lot of people. We did not have guests invited and I was thankful the missionaries are elders so any visiting would be on Greg's shoulders.
As the time approached the food was made, the carpool was run, and the house was good enough. The missionaries arrived late as I requested. We called GReg and told him it was time. He said soon. We got dinner on the table and began eating. I received a phone call that Greg was bringing someone home. He rarely as in never before had done that. I checked it off as his unfailing obedience.
He arrived home with a very shattered, sad, solitary figure whose car had happened to break down inf front of his shop just minutes before he was supposed to leave.
This lady had traveled through the night from Eugene to our town to testify at her son's murder trial. He was 3 weeks away from release from the state prison and was murdered.
That day she had endured listening to those details, which she had previously been unaware. She endured the murderers threats and disdain staring at her all day via tv monitor. And it brought anew the complete loss of her family since the event 2 years ago.
We were stunned and humbled as she shared her very sad life story. We were in awe as she stated she is not a victurm that others have it worse. We marveled at her courage to love and live on despite health challenges, no family, few friends, homelessness and other problems.
Truly as she shared her chilling words "I told my son why are you doing this...(hair, friends, etc) this isn't you.- There will come a day when I can't get you out of big boy jail..." Her comments hit my mother heart.
I have those conversations with my kids. If you don't get a handle on this tendency you will end up in jail and I cannot stop that. You must stop this destructive behavior...
That week we were in the throes of a child's decision to disobey. Which resulted in a loss of somethings they had worked really hard for. There were many responsible parties: the child, me, another sibling. But ultimately the consequence had to play out. I was embarrassed that my child was in such trouble. I was relieved worse things had not happened and I was mad I had not evaluated the situation clearly beforehand to have stopped it from occurring.
We shared our humble bowl of vegetable soup and listened. Mostly we just listened. The scripture story of Christ saying "When I was an hungered and ye fed me, and they said when Lord did we feed you? And he said when ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me"
I asked her if we could pray with her? She said no I'm mad at God and He just laughs at me so I'm not speaking to Him. I laughed. Oh I laughed. She was surprised she said most faith people get really offended or serious, but you laugh? I told her that was not the way it worked and God was blessing her with people who loved her and were helping her. He was there in the good things of her life.
Oh how alone she was.
That was a sobering and touching night. I re-doubled my efforts to teach, correct, and love my children. I prayed for her. I thanked God for the much goodness in my life. I was grateful I had made the effort to clean so I could have people in my home because they all needed a place to be welcomed.
Life's lessons come in many forms and situations. I hope I remember what I learned and felt that night.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

4.14.18 To remember

I take pictures on Sunday because I hope to remember the time we spend together. I fear we may have consigned ourselves to many more Sundays discussing around the pig pens but you know the goodness of being together is what makes my heart sing!
We had our Lizy home. She was tired from lots of fun, note the big yawn. She had come in around midnight the night before. 

The little kids taking full advantage of time with dad. And Bruce the little brother destined to wear pink because it's what we can find. That pink is also smart as we can keep track of where he insistently wanders a little better as pink does not blend in with the scenery like boy clothes. 

Addie working to befriend her pigs. Anna assessing what needs to be done and gearing up for giving medicine to the piglets. 

Reed always willing to assist and Mark always the manager watching and directing.
My camera shy Harold who was conversing seconds before. 

John had escaped back to the house. As we talked and counseled about pig nutrition and experiences of the week it was so good to be together. Often, lately, I'm overwhelmed with the pace we are living and the demands of so many activities. I'm so sure we are not doing a good job, enough, or the most important things. These pigs may by a prime example of that. Maybe piglets right now aren't the most important, but we have had a lot of together time working to learn how to raise piglets.  So for now we continue to raise pigs and spend time here and there learning and contributing to different activities and events. 

Friday, April 13, 2018

4.13.18 FFA officers

Those who ran pre-elections.

Those who won post-elections.

Anna has had her eyes set on this for the entire year. She prepared, she participated, and she prayed. I'm pleased with her growth and her pleasant approach to life. She is a joy to have in our home. She takes things as they come, is not a procrastinator, she is kind and loves to try new adventures. She will grow a lot more in the year to come.
Harold also ran. He has not been so apparent at activities as he is often needed to work. Some of that is self-preservation working on other personality traits, and some is just plain necessity. He attends meetings, goes to contests and class. He associates with all these kids easily. His height and wisdom gained from working and conversing with so many people at the shop are making him more leader like.
This officer election had 4 parts. Application, Interview from a panel of peers, speech to peers, and voting by peers. Harold only ran for Sentinel. When the dust settled his friend got the position and Harold's take away was well a guy at the shop recently told my "God must not have wanted me to have__________, so I guess God didn't want me to do this next year. Besides my friend needed it more."
YES! This year I have learned the value in not winning! The kids have not won in several different contests and events. Each time it has been disappointing. Each time we have talked about it in different ways. So many nights I tell Greg- I just want them to feel how good it is to win. Yet as I sit here typing and pondering I realize that they have been sculpted more by the loosing and the motivation it creates for the future.
To parent correctly is hard, to say the right thing to love enough, to back off enough, to let life happen at the slow and fast pace it does. I'm thankful for the many influences and comments that are shared unbeknownst to me that help shape these kids into the people I pray they will be. God is so good to me and my family. We are blessed.

4.13.18 OBOB Saga

" The team made it through two rounds of pool play to be ranked 16th out of 22. There were 776 schools 3-12 grade who participated and over 35,000 kids." Lisa Mulvany
 These ladies worked hard and almost wore their eyes out reading and re-reading the 16 assigned books. 

Western Oregon 'snow'. The girls had a great time playing in the falling blossoms. Aliza said this was the best trip ever just to see so many sights, a mall, very random people, and the beautiful Oregon countryside.

The visiting author was autographing books. Aliza is not mad that's her game face of concentration. 

Oh what a time they had. Aliza's BFF got diagnosed with mono on the eve of the trip. But with some stiff drugs and rest she was able to rally and make a late night entrance to enter the competition the next day. All in all a lot of great memories and brain synapsis fired. This competition causes the kids to read so much deeper paying attention to nuances, small details, and languages not often experienced in rural towns. Aliza loves the team aspect. Spending countless hours with her friends becoming better and smarter, and the travel is a special perk not often found in middle school. I'm thankful it's over it was way too much drama for this mom. But proud of my bookworm to again match her wits against others in the state. And I'm thankful for good families and teachers who helped make it a reality. 

Thursday, April 12, 2018

4.12.18 Addie

We are on the brink of another big knowledge fair at the elementary school. This year's theme is biographies. The students are to read a book or two about the person, then make a poster, speech, and dress in costume to share that information with the public at an open house next week. We are in so many stages of done it's a crazy stress filled weekend ahead. 
However thank goodness for a child like this who has been Done! for a week and who was eager and ready to go speak to the school board last night. Addie loves to be recognized for her hard work. So often she has to take a seat and wait for her turn behind the big kids, but last night she was able to show her shine and skill. She did very well. (A big thank you to my mom for so kindly helping her be done with her costume, she has been a lifesaver!)

This is her, first up Ms. Serious concentration and determination doing a fabulous job. Her teacher in the right corner is the brave mastermind behind this school project. She has vision for helping the school and students be more than just a place of test taking and seat work. She helps the kids embrace learning at a deeper level. She is a great asset to the learning experience there. I'm so thankful she wanted to keep teaching after she "retired."

These sweet girls are her peers, competition, and motivators. From Left Addie- Laura Ingalls Wilder, Maag- Helen Keller, Bair- Annie Oakley, Johnson- Lucille Ball. Loved each of their people and how they interpreted the person.  Each one of these dynamo's had a great speech and poster and spoke without hesitation or pause. 

When I walked in with Addie the superintendent said "you come for all these presentations!" Yes I have been there for two this year. It is a good reminder that school isn't all drudgery and fight. There are many good offerings and experiences to be had among the mundane and tedious work of growing up and learning. Now to get the boys ready and polished.

4.12.18 Reed Baptism

   Reed got baptized! It was an on again off again event. With so many people going so many directions trying to help these kiddos become who they are meant to be my life is a constant balancing act checking my schedule to make sure people are at the right place at the right time. To top off the big day Reed had a very sore throat. We went to doctoring him up with the magic pill ibuprofen. He made it through the night.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

As I sat playing the piano watching so much family and kind ward members fill the room my heart was full of gratitude for the patience they have with our family. We are so on the fly.  I know it's hard to accommodate people who aren't more committal and firm in their plans and direction. Reed was happy to have taken this step. Bruce is not one to miss out on any dad time if he can help it.

When we were sitting in the bishops office for the interview the bishop stated I'm sure you've been taught well Reed what do you know???? Oh man. Reed has been present for many lessons and we've talked about principles of the gospel but the fine easy talks well we hadn't had time for that. Between animals, sibling commitments, Spring and the like we just hadn't taken time for a real heart to heart. My confidence shrank but we walked Reed through the principles of the 4th article of faith and remembered what he was doing. The bishop counseled him specifically to be kind. The not hurt others and to say sorry and make amends. We have a great bishop who is wise and kind. Another event down, another special day accomplished.
Uncle Kevin spoke about baptism, Grandpa Saunders spoke about following the Holy Ghost, Anna did the spotlight.
We enjoyed some cousin time at Grandma Corn's after. Complete with ice cream, donuts, and pizza. We are blessed by others goodness and by sweet family to share this journey with. Onward Ever Onward!