Monday, April 16, 2018

4.16.18 Hungry and ye fed me

Isn't she cute?! Haven't fit this charming picture in anywhere and it doesn't really relate to the post other than she was helping with dinner and was so happy with the new green bow thanks to the Middle school dance earlier that day. 

Our hungry little pigs. Black and latest arrivals, pink are older. I think I shrunk the black ones on the drive from their farm to ours...but we are good at feeding things so we have hope and lots of advice on what to do to make them big!

A few weeks ago we were signed up to feed the missionaries. Our stake has encouraged/asked/ admonished us to be prepared with either a dinner guest of time to go out with the missionaries after the meal to take more responsibility for the missionary work in our communities. I was very apprehensive about this. Nights are so full of homework and chores and de-stressing and discussing the day that it's hard to imagine fitting in anymore. I reluctantly agreed and then forgot the appointment until the day came.
I began cleaning and cleaning and cleaning when I remembered that morning. UGH! Not how I had planned to spend the day. I was not happy about all the imposed work and decided on a simple dinner we all like and will feed a lot of people. We did not have guests invited and I was thankful the missionaries are elders so any visiting would be on Greg's shoulders.
As the time approached the food was made, the carpool was run, and the house was good enough. The missionaries arrived late as I requested. We called GReg and told him it was time. He said soon. We got dinner on the table and began eating. I received a phone call that Greg was bringing someone home. He rarely as in never before had done that. I checked it off as his unfailing obedience.
He arrived home with a very shattered, sad, solitary figure whose car had happened to break down inf front of his shop just minutes before he was supposed to leave.
This lady had traveled through the night from Eugene to our town to testify at her son's murder trial. He was 3 weeks away from release from the state prison and was murdered.
That day she had endured listening to those details, which she had previously been unaware. She endured the murderers threats and disdain staring at her all day via tv monitor. And it brought anew the complete loss of her family since the event 2 years ago.
We were stunned and humbled as she shared her very sad life story. We were in awe as she stated she is not a victurm that others have it worse. We marveled at her courage to love and live on despite health challenges, no family, few friends, homelessness and other problems.
Truly as she shared her chilling words "I told my son why are you doing this...(hair, friends, etc) this isn't you.- There will come a day when I can't get you out of big boy jail..." Her comments hit my mother heart.
I have those conversations with my kids. If you don't get a handle on this tendency you will end up in jail and I cannot stop that. You must stop this destructive behavior...
That week we were in the throes of a child's decision to disobey. Which resulted in a loss of somethings they had worked really hard for. There were many responsible parties: the child, me, another sibling. But ultimately the consequence had to play out. I was embarrassed that my child was in such trouble. I was relieved worse things had not happened and I was mad I had not evaluated the situation clearly beforehand to have stopped it from occurring.
We shared our humble bowl of vegetable soup and listened. Mostly we just listened. The scripture story of Christ saying "When I was an hungered and ye fed me, and they said when Lord did we feed you? And he said when ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me"
I asked her if we could pray with her? She said no I'm mad at God and He just laughs at me so I'm not speaking to Him. I laughed. Oh I laughed. She was surprised she said most faith people get really offended or serious, but you laugh? I told her that was not the way it worked and God was blessing her with people who loved her and were helping her. He was there in the good things of her life.
Oh how alone she was.
That was a sobering and touching night. I re-doubled my efforts to teach, correct, and love my children. I prayed for her. I thanked God for the much goodness in my life. I was grateful I had made the effort to clean so I could have people in my home because they all needed a place to be welcomed.
Life's lessons come in many forms and situations. I hope I remember what I learned and felt that night.

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