Saturday, April 21, 2018

4.21.18 Dad's helpers

We are in various stages of sick at our house. From wishing to die to slightly elevated fever to recovering thanks to meds yesterday. I am so thankful for the brilliant people who developed and continue to refine antibiotics, pain killers, and vaccinations. After days like today and the cost I'm so thankful I probably won't endure small pox, measles, chicken pox or the like with all these kiddos in my home.
So 3 hours later at the doc and about 45 minutes at the pharmacy we have drugs and instructions to quarantine ourselves, rest, drink lots, and get better. Ohhh sounds nice. But I'm off to deliver pig photos and grocery shop. 
However, while we went through the second round of doc evaluations I sent the done kids with dad. Oh that was so nice! And found I should do that more often as this busy man is not happy with boring old mom. 

A wobbly socket and time was pure joy for this boy! MArk is trying to take it from him so we can leave. 

We traded for a screwdriver and a gasket with screw he could turn. He was still not pleased about leaving dad. 

He fell asleep on the way home tools in hand. But when the fourwheeler came to take Aliza to her next stop he dropped the tools and hopped on that for the next adventure. He had an enjoyable time playing with the pigs as we finished pictures and is now napping somewhere. Looking forward to some down time later this weekend- sometime I hope! Only 250 more doses to go but again I am truly thankful not to have to suffer for long and to be so easily cured. Science and God's inspiration are such GREAT blessings we so often take for granted in our modern world. And an understanding doctor and staff who squoze in 12 extra people today. Generous and thoughtful! We are blessed.

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