Saturday, April 21, 2018

4.21.18 Pig people

Oh man we have gone whole hog here. I can't believe I was feeding pigs marshmallows tonight standing in their pens very close and encouraging my kids to sit and scratch them. We are all in. Or trying to be. You can tell from the following pictures who has spent the most time in the pig pen. Addie doesn't have to coerce her pigs she's ready to start walking them. Mark gained some trust with marshmallows... John is pretty chill and needs a lot of reading time out amongst his pigs. 

And our aspiring helpers. Bruce's first communication sound after ma and da is a pig snort. He is very proud of it and thinks he's cleaver when he snorts. He loves to be at the pig pen. Here we go a long summer of pig walking, bathing, and training. What a life. I think I lost my mind when I decided we should do this.

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