Thursday, April 12, 2018

4.12.18 Addie

We are on the brink of another big knowledge fair at the elementary school. This year's theme is biographies. The students are to read a book or two about the person, then make a poster, speech, and dress in costume to share that information with the public at an open house next week. We are in so many stages of done it's a crazy stress filled weekend ahead. 
However thank goodness for a child like this who has been Done! for a week and who was eager and ready to go speak to the school board last night. Addie loves to be recognized for her hard work. So often she has to take a seat and wait for her turn behind the big kids, but last night she was able to show her shine and skill. She did very well. (A big thank you to my mom for so kindly helping her be done with her costume, she has been a lifesaver!)

This is her, first up Ms. Serious concentration and determination doing a fabulous job. Her teacher in the right corner is the brave mastermind behind this school project. She has vision for helping the school and students be more than just a place of test taking and seat work. She helps the kids embrace learning at a deeper level. She is a great asset to the learning experience there. I'm so thankful she wanted to keep teaching after she "retired."

These sweet girls are her peers, competition, and motivators. From Left Addie- Laura Ingalls Wilder, Maag- Helen Keller, Bair- Annie Oakley, Johnson- Lucille Ball. Loved each of their people and how they interpreted the person.  Each one of these dynamo's had a great speech and poster and spoke without hesitation or pause. 

When I walked in with Addie the superintendent said "you come for all these presentations!" Yes I have been there for two this year. It is a good reminder that school isn't all drudgery and fight. There are many good offerings and experiences to be had among the mundane and tedious work of growing up and learning. Now to get the boys ready and polished.

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