Friday, April 13, 2018

4.13.18 OBOB Saga

" The team made it through two rounds of pool play to be ranked 16th out of 22. There were 776 schools 3-12 grade who participated and over 35,000 kids." Lisa Mulvany
 These ladies worked hard and almost wore their eyes out reading and re-reading the 16 assigned books. 

Western Oregon 'snow'. The girls had a great time playing in the falling blossoms. Aliza said this was the best trip ever just to see so many sights, a mall, very random people, and the beautiful Oregon countryside.

The visiting author was autographing books. Aliza is not mad that's her game face of concentration. 

Oh what a time they had. Aliza's BFF got diagnosed with mono on the eve of the trip. But with some stiff drugs and rest she was able to rally and make a late night entrance to enter the competition the next day. All in all a lot of great memories and brain synapsis fired. This competition causes the kids to read so much deeper paying attention to nuances, small details, and languages not often experienced in rural towns. Aliza loves the team aspect. Spending countless hours with her friends becoming better and smarter, and the travel is a special perk not often found in middle school. I'm thankful it's over it was way too much drama for this mom. But proud of my bookworm to again match her wits against others in the state. And I'm thankful for good families and teachers who helped make it a reality. 

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