Thursday, April 26, 2018

4.26.18 Pig whisperers

We have been admonished from the start that our pigs need exercise and more handling. The kids have been reading with the pigs and spending extra time in the pens. After a thorough demonstration by some friends of walking pigs we decided it was now or never so we opened the gates and shooed them out of their enclosures. It wasn't as big of a circus as I imagined. In fact it was very interesting who controlled the pigs the best. Winner right here!

2nd place and I'm guessing will be a tie soon. Addie. She has consistently cared for and befriended her pigs. Mark surprisingly has a ways to go hopefully some solo practice without bossy sisters will help him be more calm.
All said and done no runaways, tears, and going out again tonight. Who knew this was such a long haul to fair? OR pigs were exercise partners? We certainly didn't but we are learning and spending lots of time learning to work together. So we can be calm and happy at the fair.

John, Addie and I spent a lot of time Saturday making more shade for the pigs. We built 4 structures, I even pounded my first post. John is much more efficient than I- he is really quite strong.

The improved pen with lots of places to lay around and get out of the sun while growing FAST! The timelines of fair prep are stressing me out, I'm not good at deadlines as life inevitably goes beserk at those dates. See last Friday whole family strep doctor visits and pictures of all kids and pigs developed and delivered by a certain time. Oh well more organization and preparation and maybe we will be successful. My happy camper Bruce is in the corner of the picture. He is loving all this animal closeness and power tools. DREAMY!

 I will move on to other topics soon promise, these pigs have just consumed our weekends for the past month hoping that we get to the easy part soon... or not I do truly love spending this time with my middle kids working with them and witnessing their talents is important work too. 

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