Thursday, April 19, 2018

4.19.18 Madame president

Anna is the 2018-2019 President of her FFA chapter. Last night was the annual banquet where members were recognized for their accomplishments of the past year. It was an enjoyable high energy social night. Grandparents came to support.
My mom and grandma have been to more of these than they can probably count, but are always up for another year of report. We are very blessed to have generations of support. (The trial of getting this picture is almost too much for words. Younger giddy silly brothers at the phone haphazardly clicking or not. I'm amazed we got this shot.)

Anna being installed. The two at the podium were the past two presidents she has learned a lot watching and working with both of these great kids. Her officer group is behind her.

The FFA chapter she will be leading. That's a lot of kids with a few missing.

Future FFA members. Aliza and friends who graciously agreed to come serve the dinner. These two are great kids who are about to take the high school by storm. They are smart, kind, hard working, competitors, and AMBITIOUS! I see continued super success for these ladies.

On the mom front there was a dessert auction to raise money for the Washington D.C. Leadership Conference. Which Anna, and hopefully more of my kids will be attending. Having multiple children in the club I felt obligated to make more than one dessert offering. I saw these awesome chocolate cups, which people gave rave reviews on Facebook earlier this spring so we set off on a mom challenge. Chocolate covered water balloons filled with mousse.

Challenge 1. Find water balloons. I had cleaned under the couch the day before and threw away perfectly fine water balloons because I was dejunking and sick of blowing them up and tying them. Water balloons are now very expensive because of a new invention to blow them up and tie them off. I couldn't find the old plain do it yourself kind we had. Panic!!
Until standing in line Reed announced he had a stash under his bed and would share. Phew.
So we washed them in hot soapy water and coated them in chocolate.

Challenge 2. Keeping them safe! Chocolate in any form is highly desirable here. We are probably short on minerals. But keeping these creations safe for 24 hours was a challenge. Afton and Bruce shared the remaining almond bark square as part of their breakfast yesterday. They were very happy with that chance. 

The unique fragile cups. We dipped the balloons twice trying to make the sides strong enough as we were warned the mousse would be heavy and might crack the shells. The muffin cups were a bit too thick. 

The mousse was also a first. I've never made that multi-step goodness before but it was surprisingly easy and turned out divine like always. Thank you Aunt Brenda!! We piped it in carefully using a gallon ziplock with the end snipped off. One two pie recipe was plenty for ten water balloons and 6 muffin cups, and a little to taste test!

The finished product. A swirl of whipped cream and berries. Millie is sitting here stating those are amazing. Yes they looked pretty good and I think tasted any better. As they were an auction item I did not get a taste. The kids ate the muffin cups. I tasted the pieces in separate parts and yes they were yummy. These were the first to go to the highest bidder. That happened to be some good friends of mine who are always over the top with decoration and effort so it was a fitting gift to them. A fun night. A big year ahead. Always new mountains to climb and adventures to take. I'm excite for our family and praying with gratitude for our blessings and sincerity for help to keep going.

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