Thursday, April 5, 2018

4.6.18 Easter Activities

Easter was well intentioned but less than ideal this year. We had deep spiritual discussions which the kids could not recall at all a day later, we intended to do activities and got held up on homework, character correction, and work. Some years are better than others. 
We did do some service though. Bruce enjoyed pushing around a plush bunny we donated elsewhere. 


We had big plans to dye eggs as a family. But as I realized the little people would never last long enough for the big people to get home we quickly tossed eggs in dye and watched them change color. 
The next day Addie, and some of the older kids hid the eggs outside for the little kids to find. They did this activity again and again hiding and finding the eggs at least 7 times. They took to hiding the eggs by throwing them- I had let the eggs set out too long to feel safe eating them. In some ways making their own fun may have been more enjoyable than the single hunt mom and dad would have provided. 

We filled lots of eggs to share with others. And snitched some candy along the way. 

The snitching and sharing is a fun way to do service. And hopefully we shared some happiness with others too. Many hands make light work! So although it wasn't picture perfect it happened we snapped pictures to prove it and we move on and will work on next year. So funny that last year I was scheming for how to prepare leg of lamb for a seeder dinner and this year we were just tossing the eggs for the egg hunt. Life rolls on either is memorable and sometimes just rolling on it the best idea than dwelling on the lack of perfect accomplishment.

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