Friday, April 13, 2018

4.13.18 FFA officers

Those who ran pre-elections.

Those who won post-elections.

Anna has had her eyes set on this for the entire year. She prepared, she participated, and she prayed. I'm pleased with her growth and her pleasant approach to life. She is a joy to have in our home. She takes things as they come, is not a procrastinator, she is kind and loves to try new adventures. She will grow a lot more in the year to come.
Harold also ran. He has not been so apparent at activities as he is often needed to work. Some of that is self-preservation working on other personality traits, and some is just plain necessity. He attends meetings, goes to contests and class. He associates with all these kids easily. His height and wisdom gained from working and conversing with so many people at the shop are making him more leader like.
This officer election had 4 parts. Application, Interview from a panel of peers, speech to peers, and voting by peers. Harold only ran for Sentinel. When the dust settled his friend got the position and Harold's take away was well a guy at the shop recently told my "God must not have wanted me to have__________, so I guess God didn't want me to do this next year. Besides my friend needed it more."
YES! This year I have learned the value in not winning! The kids have not won in several different contests and events. Each time it has been disappointing. Each time we have talked about it in different ways. So many nights I tell Greg- I just want them to feel how good it is to win. Yet as I sit here typing and pondering I realize that they have been sculpted more by the loosing and the motivation it creates for the future.
To parent correctly is hard, to say the right thing to love enough, to back off enough, to let life happen at the slow and fast pace it does. I'm thankful for the many influences and comments that are shared unbeknownst to me that help shape these kids into the people I pray they will be. God is so good to me and my family. We are blessed.

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