Thursday, April 12, 2018

4.12.18 Reed Baptism

   Reed got baptized! It was an on again off again event. With so many people going so many directions trying to help these kiddos become who they are meant to be my life is a constant balancing act checking my schedule to make sure people are at the right place at the right time. To top off the big day Reed had a very sore throat. We went to doctoring him up with the magic pill ibuprofen. He made it through the night.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

As I sat playing the piano watching so much family and kind ward members fill the room my heart was full of gratitude for the patience they have with our family. We are so on the fly.  I know it's hard to accommodate people who aren't more committal and firm in their plans and direction. Reed was happy to have taken this step. Bruce is not one to miss out on any dad time if he can help it.

When we were sitting in the bishops office for the interview the bishop stated I'm sure you've been taught well Reed what do you know???? Oh man. Reed has been present for many lessons and we've talked about principles of the gospel but the fine easy talks well we hadn't had time for that. Between animals, sibling commitments, Spring and the like we just hadn't taken time for a real heart to heart. My confidence shrank but we walked Reed through the principles of the 4th article of faith and remembered what he was doing. The bishop counseled him specifically to be kind. The not hurt others and to say sorry and make amends. We have a great bishop who is wise and kind. Another event down, another special day accomplished.
Uncle Kevin spoke about baptism, Grandpa Saunders spoke about following the Holy Ghost, Anna did the spotlight.
We enjoyed some cousin time at Grandma Corn's after. Complete with ice cream, donuts, and pizza. We are blessed by others goodness and by sweet family to share this journey with. Onward Ever Onward!

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