Tuesday, April 3, 2018

4.3.18 Spring Break

Spring break is the best. We get to move at our own pace and schedule. Obviously we were ambitious. We are reading monsters we can't get very far before our eyes are captured by more interestig words. 

Reed attended his first pack meeting. IT was a cowboy round up complete with fake mustaches! Reed is so excited for his turn in the scout uniform.

And the boys spent a lot of time doing chores and other miscellaneous dirty jobs. Doesn't phase them at all. I'm learning it takes a lot of checking up to make sure the jobs are complete and thoroughly done.

Of course with mom on the scene the boys were rushing to get done. Ha! I'm thankful for ways to use up energy and to learn accountability day after day. Hopefully they will turn into responsible men someday. And now back to the grind of school, schedules, tests, and putting in the time until the summer bell finally rings. Can't come fast enough! Although I do enjoy the decrease in dishes, cooking, and mom accountability for these next few months. But with the warmer season and increase in work it's always a stress to cover all the bases. Welcome April.

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